v Linotype Cheadle

Will 3 points tomorrow night clinch runners up spot after Knutsfords draw on Saturday v Styal?<br><br>More reason to pick up the three points now.

Yes, It will and the captain should buy the players (and staff) a drink [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

two points will seal it for us but lets wrap it up tomorrow , if you go to the game len can you keep me informed of the outcome and i will do the same.

Will do Jim, lets hope for a double tomorrow, don’t know who’s in goal tomorrow night as Keiron is not fully fit, and he might not be able to make it on time, and the youth team keeper is out injured?<br>Maybe we use our captain?

Mike Cartner is the only goalkeeper we need, failing that Wil Hurley. The pair of them look great in training!<br>If Brett hadn’t assaulted the center forward in the previous Res game we wouldn’t be looking for a goalie!<br><br>Anyway good Luck to Kieran (and Brett) for the rest of the season.

Hughessi,<br>I see you posted your comments at 07.35, the injury must be bad to get you up at that ungodly hour. The reserves lost yesterday to garswood on a pitch that should have had cattle on it not footballers. Still all the results went for us and we only need one point to be sure of second place. Knutsford travel to Styal for their last game and we have trips to Daten and Lynotype (i think). Lets get it done and dusted as soon as we can and end a very good season.