vics are getting desperate

how desperate are northwhich getting at the moment ;D last night they sent tricky the cat carol singing lol

According to their website they send him into Northwich at weekends handing out flyers to try and entice more people down to the Building Site.<br>Anybody fancy donning the Witton Willy outfit and providing them with some competition?!?

FROM VIC’S WEBSITE - SO YES THEY ARE GETTING DESPERATE;<br><br>I think it’s the right time to inform everyone of the current situation at the club. I work at the club and was a big believer in the Chairman and his vision of the future however over the last few months certain issues have transpired which are very worrying for the future of the club.<br>For obvious reasons I cannot identify myself for fear of reprisals and some information cannot be elaborated on as it would become apparent to the Chairman just who I am.<br><br>The truth is the football club is not as financially secure as the Chairman would like and the other Companies operating from the Victoria Stadium are heamoraging money. The Chairman has become increasingly agitated and is constantly taking out his frustrations on the staff.<br><br>The Chairman has no interest in Northwich Victoria and is hugely disappointed that the people of Northwich are not supporting both the club and the bars/resteraunts which was echoed in the interview which appeared in last weeks Chronicle. Felix Bastians was sent back to Nottingham Forest because of financial reasons and not as reported due to his attitude.<br>Unfortunatly I cannot see any strenghtening of the squad in January as the Chairman is not prepared to invest any money into the club so we can expect Steve Burr to be looking for loan and out of contract players once again.<br><br>The new supporters association in my opinion is a wonderful idea to get the people of Northwich more involved with the club,players and management team although this could have been achieved through the Supporters Trust. The Chairman firmly believes the Supporters Trust should have paid for everything (with no exceptions) he asked for and the reason the club no longer recognises the Trust is due to the vote going against buying the retracable tunnel. The Chairman made the decision the next day never to speak to the trust again.<br><br>I would also like to stress that Northwich Victoria FC do not receive any monies from any of the other activites at the Victoria Stadium. The club does not even get a percentage of profits from Herriotts on matchdays. With low gates you can see that the takings through the football club are very small.<br><br>I have been monitoring the site and feel it is the appopriate time to inform the public of the serious nature of our beloved football club. I was taken in by the Chairman’s promises but now the going is getting tough the cracks are showing and the true side of the Chairman is showing through and it’s very ugly. For the people who cannot see through the Chairman’s fossard I would ask that you carefully look at all information that is being supplied and please do not dismiss any deflamatory comments as most of them I have read on this site over the last few weeks are indeed true.

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haha they have finally realised that they have a conman as their chairmen!! would be sad if they had to fold tho then we would have no one to diss!! heehee<br>

Once again I urge people to be careful what they say on this site, I don’t like Vics either but calling someone a "con man" is asking for serious trouble, laugh by all means, and I DO believe they are in serious trouble, but don’t go too far.<br>WHS.

Whe it was Pritchs testimonial myself Me and I think it was Debbie handed out leaflets with one of us being dressed as witton willy - we were infact removed twice from the cover precint area!<br>The things you do!

Do you think it’s time for Witton Willy to come out of retirement?

Ehrr a new incumbent required though, may be a player if suspended, or a player that misses a penalty the choice is endless.

I donned the Witton willy out fit once and im willing to don it again and why not start on boxing day.<br>If Neil would like to clarrify it ok then do so?<br>And i may be up for any fund raising acts in town if thats what we want to do but i will go threw town handing flyers for both Rushden and that other team we due to beat hehehehe?<br>

I cud see Conners doing that to me or maybe Moseley or infact all of them trying that infact. <br>And for tricky versus willy theres no competition its me all the way and i hope tricky reads this because its on.

You only have to make some fairly modest assumptions about how much the team costs, the running costs of the stadium and the amount of money invested so far and do the mental arithmetic to get an idea it doesn’t add up to a glowing success. But lets face it - does it really matter to us? We have the best team we have had in years, there is more spirit about the club than for along time and we don’t need too look over the canal to see what they are up to. Let the vics get on with their pulling each other apart and let us stay set to get this club up a few more notches - where we wll feel we belong. <br><br>Happy Christmas to one and all and here’s a hoping for Boxing day cheers.

Hear, Hear. <br>WHS.