Can’t find a comprehensive list of all volunteers, so, please can everybody spread the word urgently. Start time is 7pm on the 27th, but will all volunteers please email me on a_jackson147@btinternet.com if you are intending to come. We do need pretty accurate estimate of numbers, as we are ordering fish and chips suppers, and obviously we don’t want wastage or anybody going hungry. You all know who is involved, and we need to confirm orders by this coming Thursday latest. In addition we have invited a party from Northwich Vics, and they should be included for all the assistance in maintenance and on the pitch.They have stated probably 7 will be included. Witton Juniors will also be present, and have combined their own volunteers evening on the same night for logistical reasons. However, they will be paying for their suppers out of their own funds. They expect about 25 attendees.
Any help in contacting everybody is appreciated, so please ask everyone to email me if they intend going. Just as a reminder, the food and entertainment is provided free as a thank you to all the hard work and dedication shown by many for many years. I need the figures by 18th February please. Thanks again. Any questions, please feel free to contact. Cheers UTA