WAFC v FCUM - Special Match Arrangements, 24th JAN

Due to the expected larger than normal crowd, Neil Wilson (god bless his cotton socks)organised a working party to look into the best way we can accommodate our visitors.

The main points to be aware of are as follows:


  • Entrance will be available via 6 turnstiles, 3 at each end.
  • Our Safety Officers have decided there will be no segragation, although this may change at half-time if they believe there is a safety issue. 14 stewards will be on duty, and police have been informed.
  • Both tea Huts will be open serving hot food and drinks.

Social Club

  • For this one-off game, admission can be gained from outside of the ground.
  • Entrance to the social club can also be gained from the ground by showing a pass obtained from the gatemen as you enter the ground.
  • The door from the Social Club and the Stelfox lounge to and from the ground will be supervised by ELI for passes.
  • The bar will shut at approx 2:45pm (for 15mins) to encourage both sets of fans to head for the turnstiles, to try and avoid overcrowding trying to gain entrance.
  • The bar will be closed during the 2nd half of the match.
  • Fans will be discouraged from loitering in the bar area, so that people can get access to the bar more easier. Please try and form an orderly queue at the bar.

Golden Goal

  • Instead of the normal 90 minute tickets, we will have 180 tickets for sale (i.e. 90 WAFC tickets and 90 FCUM tickets.

Car Parking

  • We have tried to secure parking by renting out space at some of the companies close by, but so far, this has not been successful. Therefore, parking will be a problem, so don’t leave it too late!

As mentioned above please give yourself extra time for this match - parking is going to be tight so dont expect to pull up at 2.45 and get your normal spot!
Likewise due to the change in policy for this game re the social club there may be more of a que at turnstiles for hich reason we will have 6 open on the day.

For those people who have kindly volunteered their services next Saturday can you be in the ground by 1.30pm please so we can ensure we are all set up etc.

I take it that the people that have paid for a parking space at the front for the season will still be ok to park there as usual ?

Car parking on the front should be the same as normal, but I would still advise getting down early as the car park stewards are going to have their hands full with this size crowd, making sure nobody sneaks in and pinches one.

" entrance to the social club can also be gained from the ground by showing a pass obtained from the gatemen as you enter the ground "

TT - which way are these pass holders going back into the ground ?

At the meeting I thought we had agreed that I was to give out the pass to the minority who did not understand the arrangements and who wanted to get from the ground to the Social club as the sole purpose was to get them into the social club first and then into the ground via the turnstiles.
Have the arrangements now been altered ?

You agree correctly - these passes you will give to anyone who manages NOT to read the signs and still wants a drink pre match having already gone into the ground.
Can all gate staff warn people they should go into the club before the ground on the day please.
This should mean minimal movement between the ground and the club except for officials pre match.
Car parking should indeed be as usual Yazza.

:wink: Having the Manchester United v Tottenham Hotspur FA Cup game on the telly in the social club after the game should help boost the takings! (Could even sell golden goal tickets for that as well!)

Hope the Social Club have plenty of beer and food in for the weekend! I guess lots of the visiting fans will hang around after for the FA Cup game in ITV at 5.15.

Also, in light of current events, particularly in the FCUM v Marine game, can we please concentrate our enthusiasm on supporting the team and not ABUsing our opponents. Get it - you ABUs?

Is the Manchester United vs Tottenham game definitely on in the social club?

As far as I know yes - we do have a big screen and do have ITV (its not on setanta so I’m told) so I’d be 99% sure .

If your’re from the FC utd forum would someone mind posting that concs are actually £5.50 and that U14’s gain free admission.
I’ve tried registering but I think I put a naught instead of a zero on the confirmation and its blocked my bloody email address. I was only trying to be helpful to register anyway - (technology eh!)

It appears there has been confusion re the gate prices (partly our mistake on the information given)

Adults £9
Concessions (over 65’s) £5.50
14-16years £4
Under 14’s free (no need for acompanying adult)

I’ve been told (I still can’t get on any of your forums!) there was a sugesstion we had changed gate prices for this match - this is not the case and it would be pretty impossible given the lack of segregation hence any fans through any turnstile.
Its worth noting there is also no extra cost to sit in the stand and there is full movement around the ground.

You will also notice our tea huts will be very resonably priced compared to football league grounds!

Programmes are also at their usual price of £2.

:slight_smile: The updated match admission details now look to have been picked up on the main unofficial forum on the FC United website <http://www.thesoulisone.co.uk > (Login required to view).

Golden Goal for United v Spurs is a cracking Idea!!!

:lol: Match (admission price) details also updated on the official FC United of Manchester website. See link below:-


Anyone know what time the Social Club will open Saturday?

12 o’clock

wafc 2 fcum 1 brill result

:laugh: :laugh:
one very happy wittoner

Well Done Witton!!!
Brilliant battling performance.


Fantastic result and we are out of the relegation places!!!