Warrington v Witton Albion Tues 12th Oct LC

Although a pretty meaningless competition this game is now important. A chance for Oggy to regroup and get some confidence back in time for saturdays Trophy game at Cammell Laird. Defeats do affect players confidence especially the young ones and losing can become a habit just the same as winning.

Generally agree. This has gone from a chance to rest players, to being a game we could do with winning to show some sort of response from Saturday.

I do expect to see changes though.

Generally - is that a compliment then ?

If you like. It certainly isn’t a compliment though.


Last Edit: 1 minute ago by eligorton.

Well done.

Not bothering with tonight’s game - saving up for saturday at Cammell Laird !

Have got executive seat for the England game with pre-match meal of Mrs Gorton’s excellent sweet & sour chicken with prawn sandwiches at half-time and cocoa at full-time then off to bed !

Enjoy the game !