What a season

Sorry if this is a bit of a ramble but I’m still on cloud 9 after an unbelievable season, can’t quite believe it really… thinking back to when Carl first took over and the mess he inherited on the back of the Dundas era. We then had the loan signings which frustrated some of the supporters but it all just ‘came together’. I remember watching us away at Burscough last season and I think for me that was the game when I thought… we’re on to something here. This team has got something.

We then sign next to nobody anyone has heard of in pre season (after being switched south) and I’m thinking the worst. Then up steps the likes of bauress, prince, brown, Devine… I could literally name the whole team they then go on to produce a record breaking season with most victories ever… !! What a season, best ever for me watching the Albs. Massive thanks to all management and players. Ps what a goal by Brad on Saturday by the way chest head and bang (with his weaker foot?) !! UTA
Also looking forward to the book WHS!

I have had similar thoughts over the last couple of days, what a crazy season it has been! I remember at the start of the season when we had signed hardly anyone and I was thinking the worst. Then Carl got a few on board, the season started and I remember watching us the first few games and thinking these are a bit good!! Big cup games followed against the likes of Chester, Stalybridge, Kettering (what a game), Boston and many others. How on earth we stayed in touch for the league I will never know.

Surprised no-one has mentioned the attendance from Saturday yet, Spalding brought around 30 so there was well over 750 Wittoners at WP. Just goes to show the interest is there, it was brilliant to see some old faces. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and it was the perfect end to the perfect season. UTA

We even beat Boston in the fog…It was mad both sets of fans were chanting we cant see you any more :slight_smile: 1-0 ahead till half time and abandoned :frowning: the weather was a killer this year and as the pitch hosted at least 1 game a week i take my hat off to the unsung ground staff this season well done to you all…

Yes what a terrific season we have had. the team have been superb for the whole season and i just hope we can keep them together, because as they mature they will get even better. the whole squad just do not give up, they keep going to the last minute. So i must give a big thank you to Carl and his team for assembling a squad that gave us so much over the season and a big thank you to the players for giving so much. Looking forward to another good season in 2017/18. Also a big thank you to the ground staff for producing such a fine playing surface, they had a little help by having it well manured every other week. Also a big thank you to all the volunteers, who do such sterling work for the mighty Witton Albion.

Sorry about the price increase to £12.