What a signing!

Just got back from a short break and seen that we have signed Mickey Mellon! what a signing, saw him play at Tranmere a few times and he was thier best player I can’t believe we’ve got him!!! [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] still only 32 as well, well done Gary another jewel pulled out of the bag.

I’ve never heard of him to be honest, but he sounds good.<br><br>About time we signed someone who is actually older than me!! [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

I have heard of his name but nothing of him but sounds like a very exprienced player who can do the business at this sort of level. Keep 'em coming Finners & Brabers. Any news on Stanners & Connors for tomorrow?

connors is definately out and stanners is having a fitness test.

Can I just point out Mr "----/------" that there is no point in posting anonymously if you are going to put your e-mail address in the box!!!<br><br>We can all see who you are!!<br><br> :o ::slight_smile:

Well done fellas on what seems like an excellent signing and one that I struggle to understand why JD and Benny couldn’t pull off. <br>Whilst I know he has been injured and released etc - I can draw simalarities between Micky and Gleghorn when he signed, age wise, previous playing standards etc. and with 5 promotions under his belt he must have been in some decent sides!<br><br>IF your reading Micky - no pressure but Im looking forward to seeing you play!

If Peter Mellor is reading, it is what is called ambition, the first of several in the pipeline.

Was a good player but understand he suffered a nasty injury a few years ago and has never been the same since.

Thats why Tranmere offered him a two year contract at the start of THIS season

Well said Rob Sproston! ;D

Not very often Rob hears those words [smiley=cheezy.gif]

I just got back from another game and read that, had to look twice!<br><br>Good result today, lets hope it is the start of a run, a win on Monday would be really nice!!! <br><br>Maybe even another player or two in the side as well

I wouldn’t call signing a 32 year old crock who is joining Witton to get match fit ambitious! The lad suffered a dreadful achilles tendon injury earlier this season and will never be the same player again. I seem to remember a certain Mr Tierney joining Witton to get match fit - how many games did he play? Difference here is that MM won’t play at a higher standard ever again. As for the new signing from Colwyn, if he aint good enough for them he aint good enough for Witton.

no pleasing some people is there! i personally am looking forward to seeing Micky play, have heard a lot about him and seen him play, on TV, a few times as i follow Tranmere closely<br><br>Very good signing IMO!!! <br><br>Another side issue, i know we need some new players but surely with new faces coming in and out so quickly it cant be good for the moral of the players already here and for the consistency of our results?<br><br>Teams need time to gel, just my opinion, i feel we have enough good players here that given time and support would come up with a side good enough for promotion

Can see where you are coming from Simmo but just 2 points to make, firstly take no notice of Unibonder as he soon will be following the others in the unibond so will be able to keep his name then. Mellon is a class signing for us or anyone else at our level like you I have watched Tranmere a lot and have seen how good this guy is just what we have been crying out for in midfield and so to my second point, haven’t a clue what the new striker is like but what have we been begging for alongside the Great MM for so long? a big target man who apparently had a goal ratio of a goal every other game at Abercan’tspelltheirnameinwales. so come on time to gell? this team has pretty much been together for 2 seasons and needed new blood. I think this manager is the most exciting appointment since Stan Allan.

If you log onto the unibond website you’ll see the new strikers record at Colwyn Bay!!! As for Mellon, if he does impress at Witton then it won’t be long before he moves on - I understand he is non contract. Frankly at 32 having had an achilles tendon problem there is a nil to remote chance of him impressing.

Agree with everything u say Jac, the management does seem to be taking us in the right direction, maybe more slowly than some fans would like but it is getting there, however i just feel the amount of signings may be disrupting things and slowing the progress<br><br>although when they make quality signings like Mellon then you cant really argue with them!<br><br>it would also take a miracle worker to please all our fans!

[quote]it would also take a miracle worker to please all our fans![/quote]<br>Don’t accuse Unibonder of being a fan. He might be a fan of someone, but it ain’t Witton. Just another agitator, who happens to be a specialist both in achilles tendon injuries and counting crowds - showing true British eccentricity.<br>