"Wheels Appeal"

Morning all, as you are no doubt aware Derek has been unable to get down to Wincham Park for almost 14 months, some say he’s been the lucky one! but never the less he’s desperate to get back on the terraces to watch his beloved “Albion”
In order to do so Derek needs to obtain a Specialised Wheelchair, unfortunately not available through the NHS and at an approximate cost of £4000.
Witton Albion have kindly offered its facilities and any available resources to help in raising the funds and anyone willing to help in any way can contact any Club official or Derek direct via e-mail or on this forum.
There is a Race Night arranged for Saturday 14th November which will take place in the Social Club after the match and anyone willing to Sponsor Races,Horses, Jockeys or help out on the night can contact me in the usual places, (at the Bar?)
The Tri-Cast will also be available to have a go on at every game so please don’t be embarrased to ask me or Gaylord!
Derek has been part of our “Witton Family” for many years and he needs our help, so lets show how we look after “Our own” by doing all we can to get “Wheels back to Witton”, cheers B)

Yep lets get it done asap Im happy to help in any way I can. UTA

As part or the ‘get Wheels to Witton’ campaign we will be raising money at every home game as well as giving fans a chance to win some cash!
On the stage after home games we will be playing ‘Play your Cards Right’
Simply buy a raffle ticket before or after the game and if your ticket is pulled out you join me on stage to try and guess higher or lower and if you guess all correct you win!
If you dont win we draw out another ticket and we will probably do 4 or 5 per game and if theres no winners the prize pot will roll over to the next home game.
All profits from the game will go into the Wheels wheelchair fund

We will hopefully have this running shortly and my aim is to do the first one after the Vics game on Aug 31st

Let me know if I can help with anything !

Latest update on the “Wheels Appeal”

A Powerchair is being brought to me on Monday, 5th October for demonstration purposes to see if that particular model is suitable. That is all the information that I’m able to give you all at the present time.

Further updates will be given as and when there is anything definite.

We will be raising money again on Saturday after the game when Play Your Cards Right returns.
The Jackpot was won by a Kendal fan last week so estimated prize money is £30 but thats a few beers and a kebab so well worth winning!
Tickets are just a pound and half the proceeds go to the Wheels Appeal

The latest update on the “WHEELS” Appeal.

Just to update everyone on the situation as it stands: Everything seemed to come to a halt for a while due to logistical issues and certain goalposts being moved. The matter was then put in the hands of a panel, in order to find the extra funding required and this is now under consideration for August 2nd, when hopefully a favourable decision will be reached and there is cause for optimism. We have hit certain obstacles along the way which have delayed things for much longer than any of us would’ve wished but hopefully now there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I would like to reiterate my most sincere thanks to everyone at Witton Albion Football Club, particularly Jim Powell for your support and efforts in helping me to get to the stage that I am now at and hope that things will be resolved in the near future.

Many thanks

Derek Buckley (WHEELS ).

Hope this goes ok for Mr Wheels my fingers and other bits of me are firmly crossed in the hope he can get out and about soon in a new supermarine speed of light power wheelchair!! It must be so frustrating not just because Derek can’t see his favourite footie team (even though not the best albion teams we’ve seen in recent months). I’m sure he misses the interaction with the rest of us too as I know Derek like to chat socially about his footie too. Hope it gets sorted for you Derek.

Sorry missed the bit about “Sir” James Powell. I’m old enough to remember Jims grandad the great Sammy and he was brilliant I can tell all our younger fans. If there is anybody at our club who is a role model and who people could unite behind its James Powell who is in the same mould as the late great Sammy well done Jim for all you do not just running the Wheels appeal but other stuff as well.

A family with Red and White running right through them.

If you can update on here Dek with regard to any funding shortfall, ie what needs to happen and I’ll do my utmost to help the cause and plug that gap and get you back down to WP raising it either in events or by a donation.

Am sure most who use this forum and know you will be of the same opinion.

Thank you Chad for your kind thoughts and offer. The decision on funding was expected yesterday but at this moment in time, there haven’t been any further developments or I should say, the information hasn’t been relayed to me upto now.

Hope you get good news and soon Derek.