Where is Peter Mellor

Haven’t heard from him in ages, has he nothing to say, or has he got no bottle to say that the team are playing well?

I think with the end of the season drawing very close he is concentrating on his own teams relegation fight.

Why are we trying to encourage people back to moan?<br><br> ???

[quote] I think with the end of the season drawing very close he is concentrating on his own teams relegation fight.[/quote]<br><br>Why? Who does he support? :wink:

???Have to agree to a certain degree I’m afraid.<br><br>The Chairman appears to be on an ego trip. Even Roman Abramovich didnt put himself in the middle of the team photo!!!<br><br>I cannot for the life of me understand why budget matters are raised before the FA Cup when we have a real chance of progress/money/glory.<br><br>It sometimes seems that things are contrived to whip our legs away from us just as we appear to be getting somewhere.<br><br>

Mellor,<br><br>Jim Vince is running team affairs on the football front, Mike W is handling the higher level player matters, so all is ok at Witton, ps i ve heard the scum might be up for sale soon ? you better scurry of to your board to check.

I regret that I also agree with Ostrich. <br>:(<br><br>This Peter Mellor guy has repeatedly said that Witton under MikeW lacked ambition. The only sensible thing to come from him!<br>Sorry, but I now totally agree that from a football view, Witton Albion do lack ambition to progress up the football ladder.<br>The comments of Mike W in the local rags support this viewpoint of lack of ambition to get out of the Unibond.<br>I left last nights game very disheartened and have decided not to travel to Harrogate on saturday.<br>The chairmans position in all this crisis must be in question.