Supporting your club does not begin and end with the 1st team at any club. The TRUE fans know their club from the bottom to the top. As such as manager of the Reserves and a keen watcher of the U18s side playing in the NORTH WEST YOUTH ALLIANCE, I ask all our fans out their to share their knowledge of what is happening underneath the 1st team or if there are gaps in your knowledge please feel free to ask me any questions about the work we are doing on our clubs behalf in developing players for the future of the club.
I look forward to engaging with you all
Paul Jones
AKA Bonez

Hi bones have see the Ressies twice this season and they looked ok obviously a large gap in the standard of the leagues to the first team although they are doing there best close the gap ha ha do you think this is an issue and I guess you hope to gain promotion as you develop the team, have also heard the youth team have some good talent so will you be using them in your squad ? It’s hard to follow all three teamd as we go to some of the away games as well but good luck to everyone involved in the teams I would like nothing better than seeing our youth and Ressies come through it somehow feels better if the lads are local.

Only TRUE fans watch 1st team, Reserves and U18s? Are you for real?

Please Read the post it says KNOW not WATCH. This post is designed to get you engaging with Us a a Reserve team and for the fans to get to know the players who are working hard to try and bridge that gap. I am well aware that fans con not watch all 3 games in the week as Saturday games clash and Sunday most will be doing DIY or spending with their loved ones, all Im saying is please take some time to get to know the players and management in the 2 other teams as one day you may be supporting them in the 1st team and to know how they got there might be more rewarding to you as a fan. I myself follow Manchester City and pay good attention to the EDS and U18s squads as they are the future and I believe Witton fans need to look at what we are doing to Help the Gaffer with players for the future.

Thanks CJ for your words. The 18s do in fact have a couple of players who are good but they are again off the pace in their respective league which suggests there is room for improvement as with our Reserve Squad. I have taken a look pre season at One player in particular and decided he was not ready for Reserve Football with our squad.
The 2 sides share a training facility on Thursday nights and it gives me a good chance to look at their squad. There is however 1 player who stands out from the rest and that is BRADLEY TABERNER and you can view the quality of his 2 strikes in the FA Youth Cup defeat against AFC FYLDE by clicking the link below.


Of the Reserve team we have seen BOJAN KARANLANG starting to make that leap from Reserves to 1st TEAM and he is now training regularly with the squad. We will miss his goals but my management team know our job is to get them ready and Bojan certainly has the quality to make an impression.

Other players to push very soon are:


All 4 of these players have something positive to offer this season and I hope that we can develop them to the right standard for the club.

We are constantly scouting and building our contacts base. I recently attended a TRIAL GAME in Stockport organised by a very reputable company and scouted 2 players who we have invited to train with ourselves as well as adding MANCHESTER UNITED’S HEAD OF YOUTH RECRUITMENT to my list of contacts having attended a National Scouting Course.

Any more questions please feel free to post as we would really like to engage more with the fans so they can FOLLOW the progress of both the players and the team

I watched them a few times last season and some players stood out one week, and then were quiet the next. Appreciate it was a bit of a fits and starts league last year, so hopefully you’re getting consistency this season.

Unless any have stayed from last season I only know Karanlang and have only seen him play for a few minutes.

Will try and get to a game if the firsts are far far away one week.

Bradley Taberner - is he a relation of the Great Freddie Taberner of the 60’s ?

Would be great if he was and he made it !

Fyldes Twitter were really impressed with him they singled him out for praise, which is pretty unheard of from opposing clubs Twitter accounts.