Who's Syder?

Hi everybody.<br><br>Mark Syder, Cables’ webmaster here. Just came over to have a read of your version of Tuesday’s match report (pretty accurate I’d say) and noticed that a player called Syder scored for you in a pre-season friendly.<br><br>Not a common surname I’m sure you’ll agree, and my parents told me that all Syders are related, so I was interested to see that one of my relations plays for you.<br><br>Anything you can tell me about him?

Hi Mark. Andy got injured in a pre-season match at TNS and is still recovering. All I’ve got on him is from the pen-pic I did. Hope it helps<br><br>ANDY SYDER ? 21 year old striker(dob 20/1/84) who has been signed for this season. Andy won caps at Under 16?s level for Scotland and his previous clubs include Telford United, Bridgnorth Town and Shifnal Town.

Thanks Chad.<br><br>Mark