Wincham PArk Development Fund

Attention all Wittoners!

The Development Fund a little under the radar are continuing this season to raise funds to again support and enhance the playing budget.

With the magnificent effort by supporters who helped raise the necessary funds and gave of their time to update the social club it didn’t seem right to ask for your assistance in another area.

The Football Club is progressing both on and off the field and to help that to continue we need your help to support and support Paul’s budget, I’m sure you will all agree that he has put together a very capable squad in a short space of time.

Over the last 4 years YOU have raised/donated and supported our efforts magnificently, and over £40,000 has been channeled back into YOUR Football Club.

It needs to be said again that we are a self supporting football club, with no major ‘financial backers’ but we have a spirit amongst ‘you lot’ that other clubs can only dream about.

If you can assist in any way, through helping with events, donations large or small and crucially SUPPORTING the Development Funds activities it makes all the difference.

The Winter Ball is the next major event and along with raising funds, it is also a fantastic night out for all, and such is the quality of the event it is supported by non football people, we can’t believe its not sold out already!

There are a number of people who through thick and thin continue to donate to the Development Fund, and whilst times are difficult, if you can support our fundraising, help organise events or assist us then please contact us. It would be brilliant if more people got involved and helped
If you require any further information or would like to offer help/ideas etc. then speak to Neil Wilson/Jim Powell or Andy Chadwick at

Thanks once again.


I pledge £250 to start the campaign.

Vi8, Brilliant, but you are not supposed to tell anyone!!

Many thanks Vijay, I will speak to you on Saturday.
If anyone would like to discuss this in confidence/privately please come and see me at any of the games.

I wa sof course kidding Neil, there is nothing wrong with being anonymous donor, but equally there is nothing wrong in being proud to procalim you are donating to the cause, you only need to be ashamed if you claim to be a Wittoner and you give nothing when you could, and I am not just talking about money, your time can be worth a lot too.

Heard on the grapevine there is some money coming in from just down the A556 ?

Very intriguing eli, Delamere?

Opposite direction WHS !

Normally I wouldn’t WHS but it is important to get this campaign started.
That is all.

Vi8, everyone knows how much you love our club and how much time and efort you put in, shout it from the roof tops and maybe it will shame the missing Wittoners into coming back and supporting THEIR club.