Winsford 1-2 Witton

Well a second cup final - what a team eh?<br><br>Seriously again not another entertaining game but it wasn’t that bad! A v poor pitch will excuse a lot of the misplaced passing tonight but not Pritch 50p volley in the first half! ;)<br><br>We did what we had to do and didnt look under that much pressure I didn’t think. We did get a 3rd goal - funny like the last mid cheshire game the liner didn’t see it go well over the line - fortunately this time it didn’t matter.<br><br>Impressed with he 2 new signings, especially Lally in the first half, look forward to seeing them play on a better pitch - hopefully on Friday.<br>

MOM Was Gibbo IMO but Baker & Lally played well. Foy did very well till he went off injured. Always looked comfortable except the last 10seconds of the game.

Two cups finals!!! Yahoo!!<br><br> [smiley=banane.gif]<br><br>Mr Lally looked quality, Foy was excellent until he went off and Mr Baker continued to impress me.<br><br>Not to mention the rest who of course all contributed to the win.<br><br>Not sure how the liner (and Billy for that matter!) managed to miss our third goal. Astonishing.<br><br>Aside - an excellent display of foot-in-mouth disease by me prior to the game - perhaps I should be introduced to officials wives before I comment on how good they are!!<br><br> :-[ :o

congrats on the win against winsford, they did have a couple of 1/2 decent players do u not agree? good luck inthe final, get in won lads

MOM Gibbo?? Akie m8, not even im that one eyed, he didnt exactly have much to do did he! ???<br><br>Foy was definitely on for my MOM before his injury, again the two new boys did impress and thought Yates was full of running without much reward<br><br>Winsford did have a couple of decent players though, thought number 6, Hutch, played well, especially when picking his own player out when trying to give the new ball to a different team mate!! :D<br><br>All in all not a great game but it does set us up for a cracker with Vics!!! so worth the trip and the dodgy pint :-X

The great punch & then take in the last 60 seconds took nerves of Steel if not something stronger.

Good result -Absolutely woeful game, But I can’t actually remember too many good games at Winsford.<br><br>We were too strong for Winsford and it was strength not guile that won us the game, not to mention 2 mistakes for the 2 goals!!!<br><br>Over the last 2 games I don’t think I have seen us string 3 passes together against 2 much weaker teams than us.<br><br>Still 2 Minor Cup Finals and a comfortable mid-table finish, in reality a true reflection on our status.<br>