Guys I know we are asking the same people but for those who arent aware we have a fantastic event on next weekend. <br><br> SATURDAY 2nd DECEMBER <br><br>It is a Winter Ball with a Bucks Fizz reception, 3 course meal, fabulous 80s band and a Disco.<br><br>Tickets are ?30 each<br><br>We are at the break even point now - with your support we can make it an even more succesful night and raise funds towards the teams budget.<br><br>Contact Jim, Lenny or myself for tickets asap.

As i’ve said beofre i’ve already committed to my works do now. I’m trying to get out of it so i can come the witton one, which i’m sure will be FANTASTIC.

A cracking night all round, hope it has had the desired effect.<br><br>Well done Jim and everyone else involved in organizing this great event!!!

An excellent evening rounded off an excellent day. Superb group - quality food and a great night.<br><br>Well done Jim Andy & Len.<br><br>GE<br>

Thanks to one and all for supporting/helping with the event. <br><br>It was a very succesful evening, and a fantastic night.<br><br>Made up for Jim Powell who put loads of time and effort into it.<br>

Winter Balls used to be orange - oops - hang on - I’ve just resurfaced in 2007 ;D

Belated thanks to everyone who was involved in organising and promoting the Winter Ball. Fantastic night, we really enjoyed it.

Get off our site and return to your rented ground owned by a man who bans some of his own supporters. I wonder what will happen to you lot when he gets bored?<br>WHS