witton 0-0 Guiseley

Not a bad performance, sheer tiredness my excuse for a slowing 2nd half. I feel like I don’t have a day with watching witton at the moment but that does pull muscles n make your legs ache!<br><br>Still in it, especially with a spennymoor throw out looking more likely - just have to beat Hyde now - why not though?<br><br>Thought Lally was terrific and Pritch his usual self on his 450th game - well done Brian. <br>We probably did enough in the first 20 minutes to have the game sewn up but it wasn’t to be, there will be plenty more twists and turns no doubt before April 30th!

Good summary Neil.<br><br>The game could and should have been won in the first 15-20 minutes, but the rub of the green was absent last night. <br><br>Some credit to Guiseley, having weathered the early barrage of attempts, they came into the game, and although they didn’t look threatening up front, they competed hard all over the pitch.<br><br>It’s a shame (sod’s law) that the gate rises to 275 and the crowd are rewarded with a 0 - 0 game, but as someone once said, you can’t win em all.<br><br>A quick word about the ref…poor. Left either his whistle or his cards at home, and I would recommend he gets himself a new watch.<br><br>Bring on Hyde !!

I was back from uni in Scotland for only the 2nd league game i’ve caught all season, and the difference in the 2 teams i’ve seen Witton put out was huge.<br><br>At the start of the year we really relied on Mike as a focal point up front, but now there seem to be options everywhere. We absolutely destroyed Guisely in the first 15, with some fantastic movement allowing us to get the ball down the flanks. I understand the team were tired but didn’t understand why we didn’t try this more in the second half instead of the very direct football we were playing.<br><br>Dissapointing score in the end, but loads to look forward to. Pritch was a rock as ever, and I was really impressed with Spike who worked hard and Lally and Byrne. Thought Latham made a few mistakes defensively but it is nice to see a full back trying to support the attack.<br><br>Unless by some miracle we make the playoffs and I have to come down and watch…see you next season! [smiley=banane.gif]

Well you can’t win them all espcially when you have been playing Saturday, Monday & Thursday for the last 2 weeks so we were bound to be tired. Very unlucky in the first 10mins not to score & it proved costly btu we are still in the hunt for the playoffs. Burscough need to slip up tonight at Gateshead who are playing well to help us. Lets do it against H yde! :smiley: