Witton 0 [0] - Ossett 0 [0]

Played a bit better than in the previous 2 games, but lacked cutting edge in the box. Ossett never looked a threat though. Referee was clueless (once again) and the similarly clueless match sponsor gave KEVAN the MoM award. He was the worst player on the pitch in my opinion, so I’m not sure what game the sponsor was watching, or why the manager’s still naming him in the 1st 15, let alone the starting line-up.<br><br>Crowd tried to be a bit more vocal, but there really wasn’t much to inspire. Ho hum.

We were poor and played with no interest in the second half. After the few chances of the first half I was confident of us winning the second half but we decided not to play second half.<br><br>Well Kevan is one of the worst players I’ve seen at Witton.<br><br> A chance to go third went begging today and we would have been just 3 points off top.

I’ll admit that this was the first game I’ve seen so far this season, and after a good result in the week, it would appear that we fail, just last last season, to carry our away form in to our Home games. <br>This squad does look solid, and with a foil for MM in Lee Madin then we now rely on some good suppliers for them. Daryl today was poor, and looks a player short of confidence. I’m a bit worried abour our midfielders, Alex Kevan (who in my opinion and most, was not a runner for MOM) is simply not talented enough to do the things he tries (back to basics Alex).<br>All in all a poor performance, but atleast Crouchy has a new shirt, so all is not lost!

I went to todays game feeling full of confidence, looking forward to seeing this vibrant Albion side who had demolished Matlock on Tuesday.<br><br>I came away feeling depressed after watching yet another woeful home display. Kevan M O M what a joke that was.<br><br>Well perfomrances like that will encourage supporters to stay at home.<br><br>The team should be so much more adventurous when playing at home against poor opposition.<br><br>My soap b ox has ended for tonight, will not make my usual comments or I might upset Len!

Funny old game ain’t it??<br><br>Leek Town 1 Guiseley 3<br><br>Lincoln United 3 Workington 2<br><br>

Yeah…<br><br>Burscough 1 - Albion 5 - its on the cards.<br><br>Is it that at home games the team has everything to loose - yet away they have everything to win?<br><br>Best boot forward this Tuesday.

A disappointing afternoon when we failed to take 3 points from an average looking side.<br>Despite being the better team imo, we weren’t that great! <br><br>The first half was probably where we should have won it with some chances created, the best I can remember was a Madin 30 yard chip which hit the cross bar.<br>Sadly after that the game drifted and we looking short on ideas again.<br><br>Without wishing to make this a weekly contribution I still have no idea what Kevan brings to the team, I thought he was very poor again yesterday and yet Stannard ends up on the bench (fair enough he didn’t play well when given his starting chance and therefore is dropped - shouldn’t that be the same for all members of the side?) At times I feel we are playing with 10 men and I’m beginning to wonder if you stand in that little area behind/in the dugout you see a different player! Maybe I’ll change my view point for the next game. <br><br>Well MOM erm… probably Furnival, Barlow or Madin. Sadly the forwards were lacking the service even from deep areas yesterday.<br><br>As it worked last time I’ll ask for an uncharateristic performance at Burscough too where I think we have yet to record a win (certainly in my time anyway) No doubt a few players will be up for it for obvious reasons.<br> [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

I went along to the match full of enthusiasam after receiving good reports from none other than the Fussy Colin Cooper after about 15 mins. I realised that it was going to be the same as usual at home, how can you support this kind of football and these players, who show no ideas. <br>The tactics very soon were to pump the ball up towards the two front players and hope that something might happen, it did their back four just heade it back and created problems. The midfield were completely missing from the game because of these tactics. Kevan, what a waste of space he is, he has no pace, won’t work, gives the ball away, can’t pass the ball, and his delivery from corners was appalling. Dicken Showed no enthusiasam for the game at all. The two strikers tried their best to do something with the service they didn’t get, if you feed thm with decent balls on the FLOOR I think they will produce goals aplenty. Why do all our players try to hit 40 yard passes, they just don’t have the skill, lets go back to the simple game and start playing short balls to each other on the floor, what do they do at training I can’t believe they practice 50 yard passes.<br>I left the ground utterly dejected, if we are to make headway in this league we just have to beat mediocre teams like Ossett, at HOMEand AWAY<br>

Was very dissapointed that we did not win the match and collect all 3 points especially with the chances we had in first half. Once again defensively superb but lacking on the attacking front, we need at least one new plyer in the midfield - Alex Kevan mom, what game were the sponsors watching. Weve got to win these games to have any chance of being there or there abouts in may. Lets go and 3 points tuesday at Burscough.<br><br>MOM - IN MY OPINION Barlow or Furnival<br><br>Get behind the lads tuesday, they need our support<br>UP THE ALBION

Shocking game on saturday,we were very poor apart from the defence who looked solid against what must be said was a very poor Osset side. First time I’ve been this season, won’t be going back in a hurry – ?6.50 for a very poor standard, and I was’nt the only one complaining about the admission increase!

im never quite sure what people expect with non-league football, i think some of the people that call themselves witton fans might be better off supporting teams like Man U or chelsea<br><br>this level of football isnt supposed to be pretty, its about the love of the game and supporting your local team! i mite not win any friends over saying this but im sick of coming on here and reading the same old posts by the same people moaning! just like senior wittoner who has made the effort to finally come to a game and after one performance has written us off<br><br>this message board is so quiet when we win, wheres everyone congratulating the lads? lets try and actually do our jobs as supporters and actually support the team!