Witton 0 Ashton 1

the downfall is only just beginning!<br>

Goose, ru you peter mellor ? or a witton player ? if your a fan give it a rest, we played ok last night lost in the 90th minute, the biggest loss we have suffered is gary finlay, hes a good mgr with good contacts, lally was ok but unfit , byrne was great for 4 games when he came after that a luxury and apparently an expensive one at that, so give jim vince or whoever gets the job long term a chance, with the addition of a decent midfielder, we are strong in most positions, I dont think we are in a disaster situation, weve just lost a mgr who wanted more money than we could afford.<br>Jim did a good job last night, picked the right team from available players, and either team could have won the match we were just unlucky, connors came back in and did ok but obviously wasnt match fit - because gary never played him ? adam foy returned and again needs more games, thought all the other players played ok my only issue was to much high ball to mike and ben not there strength, I guess thats where we did miss anton, so all is not lost, see there were a posse of ex mgrs down last night as well ! intersting times !

Bit disappointing really.<br>Could have gone either way in my opinion as CJ says.<br>If Mike Cartner had scored that chance no doubt there’d be people on here saying everything was ok etc etc. (I’m not blaming you Mike by the way!) Its a seriously fine margin.<br><br>On the upside, if you were a Harrogate spy what would you have made of that? Nowt hopefully - lets shock them on Saturday!

[quote] byrne was great for 4 games when he came after that a luxury and apparently an expensive one at that,

When played as a forwrd. Reference to mone again! Thought you saud he left because he aked to go!

see there were a posse of ex mgrs down last night as well ! intersting times ![/quote]<br><br>Wonder where most of our 1st team will be playing shortly?<br>

Amid all the rumours what was Tuesday night’s team then. I can see why people might suppose that there would be a mass exodus, Saturday’s events, most of the squad signed by Gary Finley, rumours of budget cuts etc etc but at the same time isn’t this just all about giving people something to have a good moan about, something we Wittoners (some more than most) are really excellent at.

agree with cj and Neil.Damn it folks when will you lot stop moaning? budget cut? ok, so what?money does not grow on trees.if we want manager to have bigger budget then we need more butts on seats!If we have larger gate,surely more money hopefully will be available.<br> As for Jim, did a good job on Tuesday. SO:-<br> a la John lennon<br> O we are saying, give Jim a chance!! ;D