Witton 0 v Workington 2

What can be said about tonights performance?<br><br>I’ll start by saying that Workington looked like a top of the table team. Technically better and much sharper than Albion. Were they deserving of the scoreline? Yes!<br><br>Witton never really had the cutting edge, and created very few chances. Much of the Albions play was the hopeful ball up field or across field which never looked like finding the target.<br><br>MM started on the bench, which was right, the lad needs to rest. But an injury to Pritch meant he was introduced into the game quite early on, and even MM couldn’t spark the team.<br><br>Some of the home fans were getting on the ref’s back, which is their right to do so, but it wasn’t the ref that was poor tonight it was the home team.<br><br>So another cup exit, and a team that needs guidance.<br>Lets hope the board appoint a management duo before the next game.<br><br>Onwards and upwards…

I believe we’re not actually out of the cup - losers in the second round go into the Presidents Cup!!<br><br>No we weren’t great tonight, but we did play top of the table and we still don’t have a manager, despite the attempts made - how we were expected to have seen this situation coming I don’t know.

AND apparently the rumour that Mike Moseley was dropped by Pritch because he claimed his goal on Saturday was just that - a rumour!!<br><br> :wink: ;)<br><br>

Team:<br>Gibson, Evans, Tickle, Furnival, Pritch, Barlow, Stannard, Baker, Madin, Bird, Yates.<br>Subs:<br>Burton for Madin<br>Moseley for Pritch<br>Dicken for stannard<br><br>Att: 160<br><br>Beaten by a better side, well they are top.<br>Think you have it spot on macca.<br><br>Weren’t over run but final ball was very disappointing at times. We do need a manager which despite what some people seem to think we were/are/had/did etc have it sorted in hand etc etc.<br><br>Out of the league cup into the presidents cup, to be honest I’m not too fussed. 3 points on Saturday are what matters. <br>If we can get a result in the same fixture in 2 weeks time they’ll be many more smiles around the place no doubt.<br>All eyes on bishops then…

Have to say i was dissapointed by the game, when Witton come up to Borough Park in September they were a good side, I look forward to the league fixture on the 29th hopefully we’ll get a more even contest. I hate to rub salt in the wound but Workington’s team was mostly reserves and youth players. We were missing most of our attack and two of our back four. <br>Good luck against Bishop Auckland, We’ve beaten them twice away this season, they are quite a physical side, I think you have a good chance of picking up three points with a bit more creativity and commitment.<br><br>Come On Workington!!

‘Albion through to President’s Cup’ - can’t beat a positive slant on things!

That was the best I could come up with at the time! <br><br>Will you be flying back for the game Mike?<br><br>

What can be said about yesterdays performance.<br><br>It showed that the standard required to top this division requires not only 14 talented individuals but hard work, fitness, and teamwork. Something they had in abundance and we showed little evidence of.<br><br>You only have to look at the teams that have won this league over the past few years Alfreton, Harrogate Town etc. I would say one of the main reasons they were top was because of basic values such as workrate, organisation and knowing when to clear their lines and play ugly football.<br><br>I could say alot more but when you observe 3 of their players trying to stop a cross come in and 5 mins later you see one of ours (if we are lucky ) unable to stop their cross coming in.<br><br>Bishop Auckland is a difficult match and one we would like to win. I would say last nights match was a raincheck after the win against Gateshead and fortunately we get another chance against Workington again in a few weeks.<br><br> [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

:(Agree with hughsie, IMO the performances we get reflect the casual attitude to training we have had under JD I saw several sessions and it looked pretty easy and not too exciting ? in fact the reserves trg was harder !, over a time this rubs of in attitudes of the players and you get what you train particularly when you play the teams that have the same talent but are fitter, stronger and have more desire, I think there is more to come from the players we have and with the addition of 2-3 players ( striker, wingers ) in the team we will be close to challenging, lets hope the new mgr has desire and will to change the attitudes to trg and get us up there.

So on the same basis everything for the last 8 yrs under Blair is the Tories fault then everything that goes wrong at Witton is still JDs fault!!!<br><br>Didnt see to many people saying it was JDs fault that we played well in the last 3 games!!!<br><br>You cant have it both ways Bigred(with liknks to the reserve set up no doubt!)<br>

Just weren’t fit enough to compete last night. Who do you blame? We ll the people responsible for pre season training etc.<br><br>So Davison is still to blame, and so he should be, clearly the players are no where near fit and it is always refreshing to read what Andy Chadwick has to say, mind you he was the President of the John Davison Fan Club, so I suppose you can’t expect any other.<br><br>Hopefully when the new manager comes in, players will get fitter and sharper and we wont meet such good teams as Workington are every week.<br><br>Mind you I bet there budget is a lot higher<br>

I hope you dont mean Workington’s budget is much higher, we have struggled for years in debt caused by our previous management. This season we are finally back in the black and to say that we are top of the league purely because we have a better budget than the rest is an insult to Tommy Cassidy and the players. <br><br>The club owes its success to Tommy and he has worked wonders with players who have been at the club for years (excluding 6 new signings this season). We also find it hard to pick up quality players, remember we have no football league club within 100 miles, In this respect Witton are luckier than us.

I think Comeonreds has a very valid point there!

Perhaps he does, but spending a lot of money does make a vast difference, where would Witton be if we could spend ?5k a week?<br><br>The connection with Gretna also helps.

Whether or not JD got the sack isnt the issue. <br><br>All I’m saying is that if you praise the team for the performance against Blyth and the result against Gateshead then the minute something goes wrong it can’t simply revert back to all being JDs fault. Its just totally hypocritical.<br><br><br>

…used to be a competition where participation was sought after. Even if things have changed it’s far from the end of the world. Workington clearly do benefit from their arrangement with Gretna where there are four players on long-term loan who benefit from full-time training and turn out in our league on a Saturday.<br><br>Look forward to the league game, even hoping to be there!!!<br><br>ps JD’s management may have ended in anti-climax but he previously served the club admirably on the pitch and as assistant manager. I had certain doubts given his preference to stay at Burscough when we had a managerial vacancy in 2001 as well as a less-than-remarkable spell in charge at St Helens, but in all fairness he served WAFC well and it serves no good purpose looking back. Much more concerned about the choice of new manager-knowing who turned us down I’m worried about the second choice…

ok i accept that the Gretna connection is a help but lookin back at our last encounter, Craig Johnston who has been at Workington for a few years now, scored both of our goals. I am looking forward to tuesdays match, we should have our first team regulars back.<br><br>As a Workington supporter i would like to see us pick up the three points but i begrudge no team that plays well enough to beat us. <br><br>Above all i advise everyone to move on from moaning about previous managers being to blame for poor performance, we used to blame our chairman for our poor performances, mind you he did take us to the edge of liquidation. Get behind your new manager and your players by turning up for the Workington game and show your support. We will be bringing a healty away support and hopefully the three points will be heading back up the M6.<br><br><br>As a side note if anyone is unable to attend the game I beleive Radio Cumbria will be streaming Full match commentary over the internet @ http://www.bbc.co.uk/cumbria/ (click on listen live from 7:15)