Witton 0 Whitby 0  

Well I’m a Celebrity is on the Telly so where better can I be on a Saturday night but…<br>(The pub :() No, writing on here about a 0-0 draw on a very wet pitch and missing a penalty (good pass, Liam :-/)<br>Never mind - another point away from relegation (sorry WHS but it is a fact!!)<br><br>A special thank you to Sprucie, the Hunters, pencil, Dave Nield and Andy Lomas and anyone else who I didn’t see for their sterling work on the pitch today. <br>The pitch was a great leveller. The penalty - well - good pass Liam!<br><br>By the way the Subbuteo lads and lassies had a great time - started at 9 & finished at 6-ish. THe NLP came down to take photos and they will be in the midweek edition. <br>They presented Witton with a Witton home and away kitted subbuteo team. Boxing Day we’ll have a home v away subbuteo match between two supporters (we’ll have a raffle to see who plays)<br>I’ve never see 10 red & white John Stannard’s in a box before!!!<br><br>GE<br><br>(Has Celebrity finished yet?)

Fairly good game yesterday apart from the weather, the dirtiness of the opposition and the awfulness of the ref. <br><br>Missed penalty, never mind at least he wanted to take it when no one else on the team did, they all moved away.<br><br>And would someone please explain some of the refs decisions. I would like to see anyone that can. 2 good penalty appeals turned down. One dubious one given. Tackles from behind going unpunished. Late tackles. Hand balls. You name it the idiot in black missed the lot.<br><br>But at least we didnt loose. <br><br>Keep going lads

I agree that it was a good game in difficult conditions with both sides playing decent ground football- something Whitby haven’t done for over a month at least- hence the 5-1 drubbing at Prescot last week. However, I’ve got to ask what two penalty decisions you thought should’ve been given? If it was the two that come to mind for me, they were two hugely obvious dives, the first might’ve been a slip in the conditions- fair enough. But the second one should’ve been a booking, there wasn’t a Whitby man anywhere near him. I think you should be relieved not to have lost after Brunskill struck the post- good touch from your keeper, and Ormerod missed two one on ones. Good game and was impressed by your pitch not cutting up. <br><br>Also, while we did deserve bookings for the two late challenges, what about the one committed on Whitby’s number two Atkinson moments before? Almost identical to Barber’s foul but no yellow card? Odd.

Well Goose I presume you must have been close to the 2 penalty incidents(sic)???<br><br>Again if the referee deemed them not to be penalties then he HAD to book the Witton players for diving, he did neither!<br><br>I cannot believe the referees performance yesterday. There was a foul by the No.6 where he and 2 other Whitby players ran fully 30 yds with the sole intent of stopping a Witton breakaway.I have left it 24hrs before commenting on it to cool down.<br><br>That was the most stonewall red card I have ever seen. If that incident had happened off the pitch then he would have been charged with assault.<br><br>It was no surprise he didn’t play the ball (He did nothing but whine all 90 mins)<br> <br>The ref was terrible for both teams yesterday, and has obviously never played the game at any level.<br><br>Whitby came for a point (timewasting after 15 mins!!!) and got one.<br><br>The penalty we did get was woefully executed, part I’m sure due to the time delay following gamesmanship by the WTFC players.<br><br>Credit to the people who got the game on and the players for running their taters off on a very heavy pitch.<br>

Just shows the game is all about opinions- very amusing. What time wasting is this? Craig Veart(our no.3) always takes an age over throw-ins! ?;D And took some stick from one of the Witton subs, or squad members, they were wearing Witton tracksuits so guessed they had some link to the club- guess the easy come back is at least I’m good enough to play. <br><br>How about your keeper holding the game up for over two minutes doing his laces!<br><br>What a joke, and as you said the referee should’ve booked the player for the second dive, I’ll give you the benefit that the first was a slip. But as you said the ref looked woeful. Inconsistent and not for the first time, looked out of his depth. Though one of his linesmen was little better, don’t you just love the voice-activated liners who only flag when your number 4 shouts for it???!!! ? ;D And you say our number 6 whines!

To be honest i thought the conditions were a farce and i know how much effort went into getting the pitch ready but it was apparent after only a few minutes the game was going to be a lottery. The lostock end in the first half was like a swimming pool! I think if during the game we would have had a huge downpour at any time it would have been abandoned.<br><br>The pen appeals from what i remember are Nick in the first half who slipped after going past the full back. Second was when our new full back shall we say slipped over in a forward motion in the second half.The third was the handball for the pen which did hit his hand as the ball was travelling towards the goal. People backed away from the pen for the simple reason that it was decided before the game who takes pens and not because no one else wanted to take it. JK had permision of the ref to tie his laces hence why he stopped his watch. The whitby fullback appeared to be spitting his dummey out at our squad players and and at fans on the far terrace a few moments later or was he using his years ofexperience to run the clock down? I suspect it was the latter.

Oh and i’m sorry for appealing for offsides i won’t do it again!

It is about opinions goose, and I note you didn’t comment on the assault/tackle on the half way line. Can we agree then that it was a red card offence!<br><br>And we all agree the ref was dire!!!<br><br>Good luck for the season.<br>

Scott’s challenge just over the halfway line was very late but you’ve got to take into account the conditions too. Calling it an assault is a big exaggeration. Nicholson’s a tough no-nonsense sort of player, but he’s not a thug, in a Premiership game it may well have been a sending-off but I still want to know the difference between our first booking and the almost identical challenge on a Whitby man minutes earlier that didn’t warrant a booking?<br><br>Quite impressed you come on the forum number four, fair play to you. My criticism wasn’t your appealing for offsides or your appealing for just about everything, we found that amusing, but simply the fact the linesman on the near side in the second half was completely indecisive. He was never sure of anything, hence why he waited for you to shout a few moments after the decision should’ve been made and I think genuinely thought, ermmmmmmmmmm oh he seems pretty adamant, I think it’ll go his way. <br><br>Hehe, I guess you agree the second shout was a dive- respect to you. See Andy, even your captain thought they were far from stonewall penalty shouts [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br><br>Was at the complete other end of the pitch for the actual given penalty though I doubt our lad had much chance of getting out of the way of it. Anyway, genuinely best of luck for the season, it was great to see two sides trying to play football, hope you don’t have any injuries coming out of that game. <br><br>Also, credit to you for getting the game played, despite the surface water, the pitch didn’t appear to be cutting up at all. <br><br>Take care everyone, until next time…

Here goes <br>I dont normally defend referees, but believe it or not I thought Saturdays was one of the better ones ! <br>I certainly thought that Steve CONNOR should have been carded for a somewhat "rash" challenge.<br>apart from that I’d agree with the majority of the refs decisions and the manner in which he conducted himself.<br>Whitby came for a point and got it by a style of football not pleasing to the eye but acheived the result they wanted.<br>

???If you read my post I didnt suggest for one minute the ‘penalty appeals’ were stonewall.<br>My point was that if the ref didnt deem them to be penalties he HAD to then book the Witton player concerned.<br><br>As for the challenge on the half way line being late. It wasn’t it was a desperate lunge with no intention on playing the ball, the only intent being to stop a Witton breakaway. <br>It was reminiscent of the challenges in the 70s where you stopped the man at all costs.<br><br>ME - Wot u bin drinking!!!

come on guys lets wake up and smell the coffee ;D<br>can we draw a line under this one ??? <br>jim and benny are doing a great job at the moment,and the team are playing good football. so lets get behind the management and the team<br>and look forward to getting back to winning again :)<br><br>me~what ave u bin drinking ???

Whitby came for a point and got it by a style of football not pleasing to the eye but acheived the result they wanted.
[/quote]<br><br>That’s annoying, apart from a couple of fouls at the end, what makes you think Whitby didn’t play attractive football? Did we play long ball? I don’t think so. Whenever our number 7(McTiernan) was on the ball he ran at people and caused problems, and there were countless examples of good movement and interplay. I’m also amused by your suggestions of time-wasting, I suggest you keep an eye on Burscough should you find yourself a goal down to them in the closing stages.

saturdays match reminded me of watching spennymoor. ;)<br><br>good luck for the rest of the season goose/whitby. [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Hi goose.<br><br>Whenever your No.7 WASN’T on the ball he was badgering the referee to change his mind. Reminded me of a child who always got his own way.<br><br>See you in Whitby @ the Magpie Cafe.<br><br>Graham<br>

There wasn’t a lot of time when Macca didn’t have the ball mate- a quality young player. Thanks for the good wishes though you’re more likely to see me in the chip shop on Baxtergate than the flaming Magpie I can’t afford the prices or spare the two hours queuing down Pier Road! [smiley=cheezy.gif], <br><br>The reason we reminded you of Spennymoor was probably that we nicked their strikeforce from last season! ? [smiley=banane.gif]<br><br>Best of luck to yourselves for the season too, I hope we can do us both a favour and do the business on Saturday against Marine!<br>