Witton 1-3

Disappointing result from a very promising performance.<br><br>0-0 at ht, Albion had a very bad spell around 50minutes conceeding 3 goals in quick succession meaning the game was effectivley over.<br><br>We continued to push and were awarded a penalty which Alex Brown missed. Further chances followed before Moseley gave us atleast what we deserved on around 88mins.<br><br>att 441

Having just perused Berrnie’slast 10 postings ?on this site I could not find ONE positive . Now I wonder is Balarney a ???

Barney<br>If you think that "We were very, very disappointing!!!" I suggest you change the team you support. To think that Vics are two levels above ours and a wage bill that is at least ten times more than ours, we were a credit to the names of Witton. The team played well but we didnt take our chances, they had a ten minute spell where they won the game. Their penalty was never a penalty, the player dived and we missed ours. I for one am proud the way we played, we should have a great season and I cant wait.

28 mins Frosty similar to Thursday, drew keeper but just didn’t lob the ball high enough. Then Gaghan had great chance to score against his former team and fluffed it. Only one keeper and it wasn’t Jon Worsnop had a real save to make by half-time.<br><br>Then unfortunately in a mad six minute spell we concede the three goals. First one Gaghan lost possession followed by a futile attempt by Barrass to intercept was punished. 2nd a run through the middle Barrass missed his challenge and the player went down in a heap as Worsnop and Pritch tried to recover the situation. Good penalty kick though. 3rd goal, well hit long distance in off the post after Barrass was beaten to the ball.<br><br>Poor penalty kick by Alex Brown, but why was the Northwich player allowed to stay on the field after tripping Whalley?<br><br>Mike Moseley got a deserved goal and we ended the match taking the game to the hosts.<br><br>So a team that had only played 45 minutes previously this season and that in the heat less than 48 hours earlier lost to a virtual full-time outfit who’d played three full matches previous.<br><br>I can only question Barrass & Gaghan’s performances but with Tom Spearritt, Mark Peers and Adam Foy still to come into the reckoning then I predict a pretty good season to come - WHEN IT STARTS IN A MONTH’S TIME!!!

great game, shame about the result.

Barney or should we call you green Barney<br>Why do you come onto our website and pretend to be a Witton Supporter. Get a life<br>

Have to agree with most of the statements. Thought the boys done well today, a few tired legs and a few typical pre season errors cost us it today. However the boys didnt stop and did get what was deserved. Sure only good things can come from the season ahead. one other thing to mention, was disgusted by the foul language, and dispicable remarks made by a vast majority of the home support, not just from the adults but juniors to. Lets hope the racist remarks can be stamped out hey!!! Plus enjoy the conference vics, because u wnt be there for long playing like that.

Totally agree with you Javelin. ?The first half there was only one team in it and they weren’t wearing green and white, also Shaun Whalley tied Richard Battersby in knots.<br><br>It’s a great shame that these idiots attatch themselves to Vics, they are a disgrace and give the club a bad name. ?Well done to all the Albion fans who didn’t retaliate in that way you are a credit to our club.<br><br>After watching our performance yesterday, we have good things to look forward to and hopefully a successful season ahead. ?I always think it’s unfair to single players out from team perfomances but, I thought Darren Hockenhull was excellent.

gave a good account of ourselves against them,just a pity we didnt convert the chances in the first half to goals.Think it would have been a different story if we had.

I thought we played great, should be a good season ahead. For much of the game we played the better football - it is a shame that the Unibond pitches won’t be such a good surface.<br><br>Have to say that Billy Smallwood seemed too scared to get his cards out - there should have been a sending off for serious foul play when Mike was brought down for the penalty.<br><br>All in all lots of positives to take from the game. Bring on North Ferriby in August! [smiley=banane.gif]

<br>I thought that for most of the game we played very well and caused them some real problems, especially in the first half. We had a couple of half decent chances and with a bit more composure we could have got something from the game. I think Chad hit the nail on the head - the game came too soon for us. Hopefully later in the season we will get another crack at them.<br><br>So lets take the positives and look forward to what could be a really good season for us. If we all pull together and Barneys of this world stay away, it could really make the difference.

Thought there were many positives too. I thought we wilted a little towards the end of the first half, which we had pretty much dominated. They obviously changed their game-plan 2nd half and abandoned the long-ball stuff from the first half which we had been dealing with very easily.<br><br>2nd half was a different story and we really didn’t start the half too well. Even before their 1st, I thought we were a little off the pace. <br><br>Goals could all have been avoided, but their extra fitness and movement told. Gheogan had a miserable game culminating in his losing possession for the first, but maybe even then the ball seemed to travel a long way through our middle. Second, I was too far away to judge penalty yes or no. Third, Barras turned too easily but then a brilliant strike.<br><br>Overall, the referee was far too lenient. Easily 2 bookings for them in the 1st half (plus Connors should have had a yellow also). Second half, they could easily have had 2 sent off for "last man" professional fouls, but also Barras should have gone for deliberate hand-ball. Did anyone tell Billy it wasn’t a pre-season friendly?<br><br>First visit to the Connett Statdium, nice pitch, but what’s all the fuss been about? Car Park anyone?

just moved round here and an avid non league fan so took up the chance to see both local sides play. Always been a sucker for the under dogs and witton played some good football at times. Mike moseley looked strong and sharpe. Sean Whalley was very impressive and the keeper (don’t know his name) looked very competent. Even match first half but had a unlucky 10 mins in the second. Was stood behind the goals and def not a pen!! Don’t know what you was like last year but looking good on sat. see you at the next home game.

Sure you’ll be more than welcome. Having seen very little of the Albion last year I took a while to work out who was who on Saturday but I thought that was a good performance, undone by some early pre-season mistakes. No disgrace against an expensive Vics outfit. Wonder when they’re going to finish building the ground? :wink:

I see the rabble have forfeited the Cup Final against Alsager!

You cannot blame them, the Mid-Cheshire Senior Cup should be left to the smaller clubs now as neither side is really keen to play in it. <br>WHS

If it wasn’t for this fixture, in recent years we would have hardly had any derby matches. Everyone wants to play it down but its still a good crack when we win, so when we lose just take it on the chin and wait for the next time

This attitude by "senior" clubs to cup competitions is disturbing at all levels of the game. I’m sure Alsager are not best pleased. Nor the local FA. The rabble should at least have put out a junior team and not treat the competition with such dis-respect. With this being an FA sanctioned game, will there be a fine and/or ban from FA competitions?

Given the speed with which they dumped the final, it suggests that it was never a consideration to play the game. In which case why didn’t they withdraw from the competition with good grace beforehand?<br><br>It seems that the pull of a derby game and the opportunity to generate revenue was the key consideration here rather than any allegiance to the local FA and their competition

Surely the Mid-Cheshire FA will seek compensation for the loss of revenue from the final?<br><br>Just shows the arrogance of the man.<br><br>Without being disrespectful their reserves should be a match for Alsager.<br><br>