Witton 1-Bamber bridge-1

ok ok it was a bad day or bad evening at t’game.we played a lousy match but how come ref played for extra 5 minuteswhen it was 2 minutes extra time???<br> Did his watch develop a technical fault?<br> I think we should be told. >:(

A poor game everyone was saying, its was hardly class but I thought we were comfortably in control and should have made it more. Fingers crossed Bamber used up all their luck tonight and we’ll not have a total pratt for a referee next time.<br><br>5 minutes my backside after putting a board up for 2, that along with several dozen other shocking decisions made for a stop start game which I’m sure didn’t help peoples enjoyment of it.<br><br>Back to the league on Saturday on a day when we play bottom of the league and Burscough play Guiseley, not that I’ve been checking… [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

I think Bamber were the worst team I seem at WP this season, did we manage to retrieve all the footballs that went flying out of the ground everytime a Bridge player got near it? I think they had two decent players (numbers 3 and 7) the rest looked awful and as people have already said another ref who wanted to stop the game every time two players got within tackling distance of each other made it very hard for us to get into any sort of rythm, we still had plenty of chances to wrap the tie up and it was disappointing to concede as Chad so clearly told us on the tannoy in the 4THHHHHHHHH minute of injury time but its only halftime and makes for a more interesting second leg.

Once again the league provided us with a ref that obviously thinks that we came to see him and not two teams battling it out for some silverware.<br><br>Although a ref that can make 4 minutes out of 2, is obviously in the wrongline of work, he should be entertaining the millions as a magician. <br><br>Whilst we were not at our best, I reckon a 1-0 lead would have been sufficient to defend in the second leg, but they scored that deflected free kick, and that will give them some hope.<br><br>Not a great game, but I am resigned to the fact that our remaining fixtures might not produce our best football, some of our lads must be knackered. Too many games in too short a time, lets remember that these lads do a days work and then play football. Its all a bit too much.<br><br>Does anyone know who the sponsors chose as our MOM?<br><br>I’d opt for Adam Foy Foy Foy, once again he showed good levels of energy and a willingness to join the attack with purpose.

Yes the sponsors chose Mike Moseley and Bambers No.4 ???<br>I think he was involved in the game alot, especilly with his fouling at regular intervals!!!

Didn’t make the game but disappointed at the result espicially after how we outplayed them a fortnight ago. Was hoping for a similar 2-0 scoreline. Letting in the late goal doesn’t help but still confident of going there & winning it.