, witton 1 - prescot 3

:frowning: why every time we have a half decent crowd do we play so badly ? on the game of course they should have been dead before they scored but our finishing was again abysmal, and as said before the reason we wont make the playoffs imo.Salmon looks like a fish [smiley=cheezy.gif]!! out of water infront of goal - how many sitters did he miss today ? and lastly what the hell made the mgr take of barlow an Injury ? but to bring simon burton onleft mid was a disaster, he does not defend and exposed the raw but good looking connors to prescots best player ( can we sign him ? )who promptly won the match for them, burton is never going to be a winger - madin or yates on the right, stannard carrying on doing really well on the left, was the obvious swap imo leaving the team balanced. all in all sick as a pig - ps any thoughts on pritch havin a go at the frustrated fans for barracking ( salmon i think for missing all the chances ? ) i think thats fair enough, he is new looks short of confidence to say the least, we should not really blame individuals ! the only time i get personal is with lazy players ! we need more passion from the other players to match pritch, havin said that still think we need a striker to partner mike ! ANYONE GOT ANY COMMENTS :frowning:

Haven’t posted yet because I don’t really know what to say.<br><br>Firstly and most importantly, [color=Red][size=3]WELL DONE TO MIKE MOSELEY ON HIS 100TH GOAL FOR THE CLUB!!![/size][/color]<br><br>Secondly, all I do have to say is that after Bridlington, Hyde became a "must-win" game. After Hyde, Prescot became a "must-win" game. "Must-win" games now are Bamber (not great with our away form) and Farsley. <br><br> :-/ :-/

Very very disappointed tonight. <br><br>I thought we did well 1st half and continued to create in the 2nd half except for a 30min spell (1/3 of the game I know) at the start of the 2nd half when we didn’t look as if we wanted to move or mark at all. By the end of this lacklustre period the game was gone. <br><br>Maybe I should give some credit to Prescot but we did seem all too willing to let the ball bouce in the middle of the park. <br>Was the pitch to blame? (I know its bad I’ve spent more time on it this weekend than the players have) but we coped fine in the 1st half. Who knows.<br><br>As for Pritch’s comments, missed them myself but they were justified. Salmon didnt score but he seemed much more full of running, (didn’t get caught offside much) and played an excellent ball through for the goal. MM didn’t score in his 1st 3 games for the club - give the man a chance. <br>I also felt dorry for Bertie - didn’t have the best game but I’m sure he’ll agree he aint a left winger. As for the decision on the HT sub, I’ll go with you CJ. (stunned barring an injury).<br><br>Not much more to add - Congrats to MM another well taken goal.<br><br>Without being to down I think that could be the result which makes the play offs a very difficult thing to achieve now. As Deb stated these must win games keep coming and going without the wins. A cracking run is possible, certainly with the likes of King and Connors in full flow but we will have to see. <br>Today reminded me of last seasons game against Lincoln, possesion and chances but killed off by the counter attacks - Lincoln were 3rd though, Prescot 9th at Kick off I think. :-/<br><br>Irongate and a 2nd away win, PLEASE!

Not going to comment on the game as it is still very raw and again we shot ourselves int the foot.<br><br>Neil you are not the only one who missed the comments i apparently have made! CJ please shed some light on this as i have no idea what you are on about mate! The only barracking i remember dishing out was to our players when no one could be bothered to take a corner with 10 minutes to go!