Witton 1 v Matlock 0

Not my name - my religion!<br><br>Pritch4 sounds a little worried - is something going on up there? <br>I’ve heard rumours of change in the not too distant future - 18 months or so?<br>What’s it all about - it certainly isn’t promotion or relegation.

Well, Green, you’ve kinda proved my point!! ;D<br><br>Positivity to the extreme in the face of doom!<br><br>Why can’t we be a little more like that, positivity-wise?

To Mr ‘Disapointed’…<br><br>Changes in the boardroom… Please come and have a go. <br><br>Credentials are a minimum of having to be able to spell and not hide behind a pseudonym (sudonim to you).<br><br>GE<br>

Re my post last night I’ve "woken up" and discovered I got the FACT slightly wrong due to virtually all the media having Spennymoor winning 3-2 against Guiseley - It was in FACT a 3-3 draw. This means that the FACT should now read only team in the TOP 13 to have won.<br><br>THIS FACT is CURRENT not a might have been in response to the anonymous Negative poster.

So a very good midweek. As long as we are around the top 5 like we are. Their isn’t much to worry about and I believe we will be around the top 5 come May and be in with a real chance.<br><br> People need to support the club cos’ the way some people are going on its as if they want us to fail.<br><br> The difference is Leek have pumped even more money than we have and the rumour is that their fans are donating money EVERY week to pay the players. Workington will probably fade after christmas when all their Gretna places are forced to go back over the 3 month loan rule. Hyde are a top side who would do well in Conference North as they have some fantastic players and have been together a lot longer. We are just as good as teams like Whitby and Burscough so lets prove it and get in the playoffs. <br><br>PS Green at least the Wittoners go on the Vics message board to talk about you not us. ;D

Disappointed as I’ve been with many of the performances this season and some of the results, we are without doubt in a good position, especially considering where we were this time last season - I’d happily settle for that again (sneaking 5th spot) and we must have a head start this year!<br><br>

Yes you probably can spell better than me, you may be able to do a lot of things better than me but i am sure you still want my money and my support when it suits you.<br>It is patronising wan*ers like you that put people off.<br>I pay to get in so I am entitled to an opinion and I will express it like everyone else.<br>Is the spelling good enough Mr GE?

No need for that GE.Some people prefer to remain anonymous and quite rightly have a point of view. You may be defending your position but maybe it is time for a change!! The current team is going nowhere,most performances have been dire especially at home and the gates will not get any higher. We will all be saying in a few months’ we should have done this’ ‘we should have done that’ BOTTOM LINE IS we wont finish in the top 5 with this team, injuries,suspensions,bad luck,budget reduced, blame what you want come May but we will be half way ONCE AGAIN!!!

Opinion. Entitled. Etc.<br><br>Perhaps we should change the ‘Message Board’ to ‘Moaning Board’ and the ‘Forum’ to ‘Againstum’.<br><br>Perhaps this is what was meant by ‘changing the Board’.<br><br><br>Lighten up. Enjoy. <br><br>GE<br><br>

‘Whinge when we’re winning. We even whinge when we’re winning’<br><br>As an ex board member I am amazed that G E was so laid back at the personal comments aimed at him.<br><br>FACT- I watched the game on Tuesday <br>FACT- GE did not get the same opportunity BECAUSE he was running his taters off trying to create enthusiasm and raise money for OUR club.<br><br>Something that not many others are or seem capable of doing!<br><br>It is great to see a Director coming away from the sanctuary of the Main Stand and anyone who critcicises GE is bang out of order.<br><br>As the posts say if you think a change or a new direction at the highest level is needed, then stick your head above the parapet and have a go.<br><br>The club is desperately short of helpers and only has 3 Directors, so I would suggest that you follow your suggestion of change up and make a name for yourself (as opposed to SUE DOH NAME!)<br>

Here here, don’t know where this club would be with the likes of GE

Andy, give us a break only was a non executive for 12 months, am back now so it will soon be 4.<br><br>A new role as well, sorting out the social club, hope you like Carling, because it will be on soon, there will be a few changes.<br><br>I don’t always sit in the stand, occasionaly I like a walk but not that many speak to me!!

GE does a great job of fundraising for the club at the home matches and with the functions in the Social Club to raise money for the devlopment fund. I believe he has organised the Sportsmans dinner as well (Apologies to anyone who maybe involved but I haven’t mentioned).

Yep I moan and groan, when things arent right, I have to do it on this site cos most sane people know nothing about non league football and i feel i can get it off my chest by making some inane posting.<br>I help out a little at the club, now and then, when I feel like it,however a very small number including GE (I am not going to mention them all becos I’m bound to miss one out) keep the club going EVERY DAY and without them WAFC would not exist. <br>I hope that certain peoples comments are made out of ignorance, can I emplore those people to come down to WAFC, not just on a match day but a normal day to see how our club survives.<br><br>My Sue De Nim is ME but my Webb address might give u a clue.<br>

Sorry of course that should have read without the likes of GE if you havdn’t already realised ;D

Speaking of helping out and opportunities etc:<br><br>12 noon on Sunday, bit of manual work in the social club, ripping out carpets and seats as mentioned on the home page - don’t be scared now we don’t bite, that hard.

Neil<br>It is now starting at 10am not noon<br>So you’ll have to stay in Saturday night

Guess I’d beta change the info on the home page then otherwise we’ll be lucky enough to turn up at 12 when its all done!

Would love to help and will help if someone will give me a lift to and from Salford. Hope anyone is available will help!