Witton 1 v Matlock 0

Well was tonight another case of a wins a win?<br><br>In my opinion (for whats is worth) it was a performance from both teams that merited a draw, but MM, like too many games, proved to be the decider.<br><br>A cracking goal, with his left foot, found the top corner of the net, and left the keeper rooted to the spot.<br><br>Matlock, to their credit had some good chances and had a goal disallowed, but thankfully the assistant referees had good games tonight, and apart from one disgraceful decision (in not sending of Matlocks no. 11 for a horror tackle on Yates) the referee did atleast let the game flow.<br><br>The only other negative about tonights game was the low gate, I wouldn’t like to think what the gate would have been had Matlock not brought 20-30 fans.<br><br>If Witton can find some consistency then we will do well, without it we will slide quickly down the table.<br><br>Here’s to the double of Marine on Saturday.<br><br>MOM Brian Pritchard, although MM didn’t let anybody down, and Yates proved a good outlet on the wing.<br><br>UP THE ALBION !!!<br><br>

Once again we were very lucky to take maximum points tonight. Thought Matlock deserved a draw and had they taken their chances could have won. I’m afraid these narrow wins just lead us to a false league position and guaranteee the management stays the same.Come the end of the season we’ll be mid-table,we’ve still got to play most of the top teams and when we do we will finally realise we’re not good enough. the gate tonight was attrocious, no other matches on, no sky premiership game – 242 with at least 30 from Matlock!! We seem to be going backwards with our support and at this rate we’ll drop below 200 eventually!! If we can’t muster 250 together when we’re in the top 8 I dread to think what will happen if we drop down the league!! The supposed higher level is certainly not popular with the fans but then to be fair the level appears no different than last season.

Team:<br>Gibson, Evans, Nolan, Furnival, Pritch, Foy, Baker, Yates, Madin, Moseley, Bird.<br>subs:<br>Burton for bird<br>Salt for Madin<br>Tickle for Baker<br><br>few points to add:<br><br>A good results (when isn’t 3 points a good result) but do feel we may have been fortunate to get them. Had we been on the other end I’d have been rather disappointed indeed.<br><br>Why we decided to defend so much with so long to go in the game I’m unsure. Not just in terms of the play but the substitutions. As we approached the last 10 we seemed to have half a team of defenders on and were dug in on the edge of the 18 yard box! I appreciate the need to hang on but at home, to a low placed team, with like 20+ minutes to go - hate to think what would have happened if it’d gone pete tong. (The Danny Salt fan club were looking ahead to the prospect of him going up front and getting his first goal for the club [smiley=applause_smiley.gif])<br><br>That horror tackle on Yates, straight red imo, either way it certainly wasn’t in the same league as Burton’s tackle a few minutes later which also received a yellow card. Some of those late tackles and then the actions of a few Matlock fans in the club after the game lowered my opinion of them somewhat, I’ll not take my ball home though too much and write to a local derbyshire papers about them! :-X<br><br>Almost done, on the subject of players thought Bertie came on and did well for a second game running. Bird looked slow again tonight and the final action of throwing his shirt down isn’t something we want to see. If you don’t want to wear it then… Believe it or not we do have some pride in our club and you have done yourself no favours in showing such disregard.<br><br>finally yes a poor gate, unfortunately with some of the past home performances it will take many fans a while before they "try" us again this season. without wishing to moan too much but we have the players and the performances to thank for that no one else.<br><br>However tonight was better and a better game and put us back up to 6th - another double on Saturday and we’ll be back in business. (for some of you reading I don’t mean another 2 bottles of whiskey!)<br><br>

Well done Witton on your win, but we feel very hard done to.<br>Disgraceful decision to disallow the "equaliser" after the referee had initially over ruled his assistant by playing on.<br>You totally deserved your win at the lane, but tonight the win ought to have been ours, but we didn’t get the run of the ball where it mattered.<br><br>I think you’ll find there was a few more than 30 Town fans there-we have great support away from home and they’re like that on every ground they go to.<br><br>As for the club afterwards, well if it offended anybody then please accept our apologies, I believe it was more out of frustration than anything else, as I suspect was Kris Bowler’s late tackle.<br><br>Anyway not long in, we had a good sing song on the way home, comfortable in the knowledge that we deserved far more than we got tonight.<br><br>All the best for the rest of the season-it was a bit cold to provide Pritch with another streaker to apprehend-LOL!<br> <br><br><br>

Neil i couldn’t agree more with you about taking the game to the opposition at home. Believe you me we at the back would have loved for the ball and match to have been played in the Matlock half in that second half. I thought we played reasonably well in the first half and we did try and play football. Second half you have to give Matlock credit. They came at us and had a right go and certainly in previous visits they would have got something out of the game. Second half if you look at the chances they have hit the bar, the post, Gibbo pulled off some world class saves, the linesman made the correct decision and there was a lot of all hands to the pump defending. If MM had scored when he was put through by Ryan then it would have knocked the life out of them and killed the game off. But whilst it remains 1 nil they were in it till the end. <br><br>As for the gate as you have said some fans will take some time to come back after previous home performances. Is 250 (?) really a poor gate for us on a monday night in October compared to the past couple of seasons? I know we should be getting more for the position we are in but how many of you will still go away from that game and speak to the fair weathers and stay aways and say anything positive to them about a one nil win? I suspect it being the Witton way that we will all focus on the neagtives.<br><br>

Wasn’t there and was worried about playing these cos’ they hammered Radcliffe on saturday and are playing better. MM seems to be the difference in a lot of games and is still IMO probably the best striker in this league.<br><br> Another wins a win but look at teams like Chelsea, They have beaten so many teams 1-0 and 2-1 without necessarily deserving it.<br><br>What would you rather do? Draw and play amazing or win and play average?<br><br>I know what I would prefer. Whatever gets into Conference north!

Of course a win is a win, went last night, thought we were the away team!<br><br>A very mediocre middle of the table team, we are nothing else. Can’t say Baker impressed me, but it is a win.<br><br>Said my piece many times about the Management, so I do not propose to add to that other than to say, Mr Worthington will have to act soon if we are going to get crowds like that. <br><br>I am sure the budget cannot be supported by attendances of that size, and lets be honest there were sponsors and others there last night who didn’t pay. I dare to say there were less than 200 paying!<br><br>The supporters will not come back and watch negative tactics which are employed by a very boring and negative manager. <br><br>What on earth Burton is still doing at the club, sorry, he is no more than an average North West Counties Lge player. Nolan is past his sell by date, I could go on.<br><br>A change is needed and soon

we are all allowed our opinions but urs are just plainly wrong Anstey! people like you really do get on my nerves!<br><br>6th in the league (so i hear, not actually checked), season only a couple of months old and only a few bad results to note, it aint bad really is it<br><br>will people please stop moaning and try putting some support forward, maybe that is whats missing!!! i kno people who stay away purely because they cant stand some of the moaning that goes on in the stands, so if you want to do your bit stop voicing your negative opinions and some of the fans may return!

People moan before anything even goes wrong at home games. Thats why were so good away. Cos’ playing at home is like being away. [smiley=ranting.gif]

Can’t believe the statement about Baker I thought he looked pretty useful, got stuck in and made some pretty telling passes (the one on one MM had was from his pass) yes he made a couple of errors but not sure what people expect at this level, once he gets Barlow along side I think the midfield will be much stronger, I was more surprised when he was taken off, I thought we got completely overrun in midfield after that. Defence did great again, midfield getting better, now just another striker to play alongside MM and I think we will be a play off place team. Oh and as for not playing any of the top teams… Workington away? there thats me being positive

I enjoy the arguements and cannot dispute that we are sixth in the league. However if we were three points off the top, not eleven then it is a different matter.<br><br>Simmo, pleased that I get on your nerves, because you are so blinkered, that team is just not good enough, the Club is paying a lot of money for very mediocre players. If we were flying like Leek and Workington then people would come back. How many other players have scored goals this season apart from MM, he has got nine out of 13! <br><br>We are the fourth lowest scorers in the league, we don’t conceed many, true. We defended so deeply last night.<br><br>So yes I moan, I can see what will happen, the Chairman will announce a drop in the budget available to pay the players - that is a certanity, it will come around Xmas, when we are mid table. He announced at the Information meeting that he must get gates of 300 + to support the budget. <br><br>Lets face it, and I have been a Wittoner for many years, this team is just not good enough to get us in the play - offs, and I bet there is no more money to spend on players.<br><br>But a win is a win and I sincerely hope for a win at Marine on Saturday and Radcliffe on Tuesday, we owe them.<br><br>Oh and Simmo, a few bad results, Winsford, Frickley, Leek, Ossett, Chester only a few eh!

How can anyone claim we are more than a middle of the table side.<br>Perhaps it needs changes in the boardroom as well as at managerial level, the fact is we are in for another season of "it only needs X wins to get to the play offs" - the fact is we won’t come near them. Mid-table right through - until MM gets hurt then we have real problems.<br>We have a manager with little imagination or vision, a board that is obsessed with another team in another league and a dwindling fan base.<br>It’s getting serious!!! WAKE UP TO IT.

To be fair Baker is just settling in and has done much more in his first 3 games imo than dicken or Kevan did in their first 20 so we’ll allow him a little more time! I thought he did well again, given the weighting of some of our passes the telling one to Moseley was spot on. It will indeed be interesting to see Barlow, Baker, and Foy together - hopefully on Saturday.<br><br>As for a final finish place, god knows. I could consider us awful (performances have often been poor) and expect us to finish mid table or worse. However given the selection of players we have (some are v good for this level) If it clicks with the new signings especially it could be v v good! To be honest I’m unsure what to think, but 2 defeats in 12 aint bad. We have also played 6 of the other 9 sides in the top 10 - losing only once. <br><br><br>

Why whinge about the falling gates if you admit yourself that you don’t attend the games? And then that the budget will be cut? It’s the chicken and the egg, Anstey. You either love the club enough to support it through thick and thin, or you’re a fairweather fan. Why are you so desperate to see the downfall of the club? Why don’t you want us to do well? Why don’t you WANT JD to prove you wrong? Because you don’t. And they next manager won’t be good enough and nor will the next.<br><br>Ryan Baker would have needed to score a hat-trick blindfolded last night to have impressed you. <br><br>As for the board being obsessed with another club, look at this message board!!! Everyone has more to say about the crappers squatting than anything about Witton.<br><br>As for the game, again, not pretty. But we won. I’d rather have been in our shoes last night than Matlock who played so well but got nothing. It’s no consolation at the end of the season - ah we got relegated but at least we played well. Point make prizes after all.<br><br>And, on a more positive note, if we can be 6th and have not put in a good performance all season, god only knows what will happen when we finally do!! And before anyone says it, why the hell shouldn’t that happen? Why not have the belief that the team you love can do well? Let’s at least take a leaf out of Northwich’s book - they’re as crap as crap itself, yet their fans still support them even though there is no hope.


[quote]Why whinge about the falling gates if you admit yourself that you don’t attend the games? ?And then that the budget will be cut? ?It’s the chicken and the egg, Anstey. ?You either love the club enough to support it through thick and thin, or you’re a fairweather fan. ?Why are you so desperate to see the downfall of the club? ?Why don’t you want us to do well? ?Why don’t you WANT JD to prove you wrong? ?Because you don’t. ?And they next manager won’t be good enough and nor will the next.

Baker would have needed to score a hat-trick blindfolded last night to have impressed you. ?

As for the board being obsessed with another club, look at this message board!!! ?Everyone has more to say about the crappers squatting than anything about Witton.

As for the game, again, not pretty. ?But we won. ?I’d rather have been in our shoes last night than Matlock who played so well but got nothing. ?It’s no consolation at the end of the season - ah we got relegated but at least we played well. ?Point make prizes after all.

And, on a more positive note, if we can be 6th and have not put in a good performance all season, god only knows what will happen when we finally do!! ?And before anyone says it, why the hell shouldn’t that happen? ?Why not have the belief that the team you love can do well? ?Let’s at least take a leaf out of Northwich’s book - they’re as crap as crap itself, yet their fans still support them even though there is no hope.[/quote]<br><br>Vics may have had a crap start in the Conf BUT in reality we have only been beaten on merit 3 times – Hereford,Stevenage and Barnet. The other 10 games we should have won or drawn (7 were in fact draws) The point I am making is that Vics are nowhere near as bad a team as the table suggests and once we start playing clubs in the bottom half (only 2 so far) we will start to climb the table. The next 3 games are crucial, 6 points should take us off the bottom, 9 points and we’ll be one win away from Leigh and then THE MIGHTY GREENS WILL START CLIMING THE LEAGUE.The timing of the VS is perfect, by feb/mar we’ll be in a position to climb to safety, and APRIL will see a glorious escape, with the VS PACKED to witness the last few home games and a famous ‘Houdini’ act – 10 points!! we’re havin a laugh.<br> As for us being crap! THE REALITY IS THAT THE CURRENT VICS TEAM WOULD BEAT THE WITTON SCUM CONVINCINGLY, 99 TIMES OUT OF 100!! The gulf is still massive and take it from me little debbie THAT IS FACT!!!


With reference to the above s o d off no one cares about you lot. This is our board with our views about our team, fans and the future. Why exactly do you need to butt in on our board again?

Coz you can’t get on the Vics board for witton fans talkin bout uz ;D

Grrr!<br><br> >:( I thought I was the only "Green" on this forum…