Witton 2-0 bishop's

Team:<br><br>Gibson<br>Salt<br>Tickle<br>Furnival<br>Pritchard<br>Foy<br>Barlow<br>Carden<br>Kevan<br>Moseley<br>Sargeson<br><br>Subs all used:<br>Yates<br>Nolan<br>Evans<br><br>Please correct me on the above if I’m mistaken)<br><br>In all that has happened since the match I can’t remember that much from it.<br><br>2 good goals from Moseley sealed what ended up as a comfortable win and put Albion 5th which is an excellent achievement considering where we were when JD took over.<br><br>Lets hope we can push on from there next season…

Quite interesting to look down this section and see how few people post when we win games as opposed to when we draw or lose.<br><br> Just an observation!

We finsished 5th, should have walked the league, players lacked consistency and at times lacked commitment. <br><br>Our home form let us down badly, we want players who are prepared to give there all for Albion, not some of these this season who gave the impression they were there just for the money.<br><br>Let us hope next season our home form is much improved and 4 or 5 new quality players are brought in the squad and we can have a good season.

fail to see how finishing 5th! an improvement on last season and getting to two cup finals! is a bad season!<br><br>one good thing about the end of the season is that true wittoners no longer have to listen the moaning of sum others! we all have a moan when its necessary but it just isnt necessary!!! lets try and be positive<br><br>congratulations to the boys and management on a good season and a step forward

Played well on saturday to get the 3 points required to finish 5th with other results going our way! <br><br> 2 good goals by MM and we never really looked troubled at the back apart from gary Furnival’s header which nearly lobbed Gibbo! :o

Yeah speaking of that Furnival and Gibbo balls up, great clearance by Pritch just when it looked like their forward was going to score. Anyone see the state of the post and its support after Pritch thundered into it! <br><br>Anyway a good season in the sense we got were we needed to after a poor start. Look forward to next season playing the unibond North eastern Prem!!!

Your right Jimmy. Colwyn Bay should count themselves lucky they aren’t in it really. Imagine going from Colwyn Bay to Blyth and Whitby. OMG!!!

People also seem to have missed the fact that weve finished the season with three clean sheets.<br><br>

Good comfortable victory on a swealtering day.I thought we were excellent at the back and coped with every thing that Bishop’s threw at us.Good to see Mike finishing off the season on a high with a couple of nice finishes.<br>I would like to congratulate the team and management for our final position of 5th. Considering the position we were in going into the North Ferriby away game, back in late August, I think most fans would have bitten the hand off someone offering 5th place at the end of the campaign.<br>Is’nt it ironic that the eventual champions,Hyde, we did the double over and the teams immediately above us and below us, we either drew or lost to?<br>Moving on, I wonder if anyone has any suggestions on how we can move forward in the new Unibond Premier League.One thing is for sure, our home record must improve on the past couple of seasons.I’m sure we would have been challenging Hyde if our home performances matched some of our away.<br>Finally, I would just like to thank Mark Harris for inviting me as special guest on Saturday. Also thanks to Mark, the Directors and Sponsors for their hospitality and making the day a most enjoyable one.