Witton 5-1 Tranmere

Great result for the defending champions!<br>We played really well tonight.<br>Tom looked like his old self at centre back and Steve was superb in midfield.<br>Peers and Whalley terrorised their full backs when they had the ball, and therefore the full backs had to resort to foul play to stop them.<br>Worsnop made one save throughout the match which shows how well the defence played. And it was a good save as well.<br>Its good to see Brian scoring for the team. He gets up so often that he deserves a goal every now and again. Two this season already, keep 'em coming Pritch!<br>We did well to scramble the first goal in and we have finally scored a penalty with Sanasay getting the second of the match. Its always good to go in at half time 2-0 up!<br>A magnificent free kick from Peers, reminiscent of away to Guiseley last season.<br><br>A good win against any opposition and the defending champions are still in the cup!<br><br>Up the Albion!

Thought that we looked much better defensively. Was great to see Tom S back in defense.<br>Was good to see Adam Foy starting again, and i thought he did quite well. Was he subbed due to injury??<br>Keep the goals coming on Saturday lads!!

Adam was injured - great shame cos I would like to see him have a decent run in the side. Good performance against a young Tranmere side who fell apart a bit at times.<br><br>Some of our football really is excellent - I just hope we can keep this side together and hold onto some of our good young players.<br><br>Roll on Saturday and lets get 3 more points!!<br><br>Come on the Albion!!<br><br>

In answer to Knutsfordian, To enable Jim to keep this great footballing squad together, I am afraid that we need more donations or pledges, as he can’t afford to keep all these promisimg young players at Witton on the budget he has, so it’s up to you good Wittoners to rally round and help us to maintain this high level of good football class that we have<br>Please help us as we are trying really hard to raise more funds

I think it may be a good idea to organise some sort of fund raising evening in the club. Whether it be a Sportsmans Dinner, or a Comedy Night, or something similar.<br>I believe that everyone would like to give more financial support to the club, but it isn’t always possible to just pledge cash on top of the expense of actually following the team.<br>I think it’s often easier to justify the extra expense if you’re seeing something tangible in return, which is why i think a social event of some sort may be an idea.<br>Maybe also look at putting a DVD together of some of the hightlights that the video cameras have been picking up lately, and selling that in the Club Shop.<br><br>If we keep scoring 4 or 5 goals at home, hopefully the gates will increase sooner or later, and that will improve the bank account.