Witton Albion (0) 0-1 (1) Chester City (CSC)

Didn’t go to the game but that was the score. Match report will be done by someone else.<br><br> No trip back to Moss Lane this year. [smiley=ranting.gif]

No prospect of a re-match with the hated Woodley Sports either.

Just lacked the finish in a game where we were much the better team.<br><br>Chester scored in the first minute apparently a sweet finish from outside the area, but apart from a chance late on Witton took the game to there League opponents and enjoyed long spells of possession. ?MM, Madin and Bird all looked dangerous. ?The best two chances fell to Stannard with the keeper saving one and the other going just over the bar.<br><br>Team:- Bagnall?, Salt, Pritch, Furnival, Tickle, Foy, Barlow, Stannard, Madin, Moseley, Bird.<br><br>Subs:- Yates, Burton, Tulloch. <br><br>Dicken, Evans and Gibson all rested.<br><br>Attendance was a reasonable 245<br><br>Best home performance of the season so far lets keep it up for Saturday…<br><br>

Didnt get to the match itself but from what i read above - best home performance of the season- would that have anything to do with a certain mr kevan not being on the team sheet?

[quote]would that have anything to do with a certain mr kevan not being on the team sheet? [/quote]<br><br>How did you guess!!!<br><br>Yep Foy and Barlow in central midfield seemed to have much more energy Foy was able to get forward (instead of tidying up Kevans mess) Madin dropped behind the front two and provided better service and the link that’s been missing between the midfield and forwards.

Pretty much all been said already.<br><br>Their goal was pretty good but we did our best to fix that problem.<br><br>Bagnall was virtually a spectator for the rest of the game (as he was for the goal really!) as Albion piled on a lot of pressure and "bust" a gut to get something from the game. If we’d lost like that to Leek you’d have been chuffed (if you get me). It’ll certainly bring chester’s team back to earth with a "bump".<br><br>Please lets keep that sort of performance up, especially at home.<br><br>I’d have to agree 2 excellent performances in 3 days, even with a changed line up and tiredness, yet crucially without one player who it seems disappeared around kick off yet again!<br><br>Now for the FA Cup.

shame we r out but at least we can take another positive performance from the game, everyone will certainly be up for the FA cup!!! players and fans im sure<br><br>keep it up lads<br><br>is Kevan leaving us then? anyone heard anything?

Only the second game I’ve been able to make so far due to work the last being the Leek game and what an improvement, might have to eat humble pie if we keep playing like that, enjoyed the game despite the result thought we held the ball well and had some very good periods of play, bringing back dicken for Stanard, Evans for Salt, and probably Nolan for Bird with Madin back up front I think would be our best team now oh and Gibbo back in goal although I don’t think the lad in goal could have been judged on last night having not really had much to do at all

Hang on, getting a bit carried away here aren’t we, yes a good performance at Workington and yes we dominated them last night… But they were nearly all kids, all under 18 with the exception of 3, so if we can’t beat a bunch of kids then how will we beat the Hydes of this world.<br><br>At the end of the day we LOST a match, and here we are full of praise, jesus whats the world coming to?

True some were probably kids, but I expect very talented kids, who even from a Pontins reserve team can’t be of that bad a standard. We also have a young side too.<br><br>However given recent home performances and that disaster against Leek, last night was a positive step!<br><br>If we can just get Stanners not to lean back when he shoots we may be in business! :wink: