Witton Albion v Ilkeston Town

Just been looking on the form guide and Ilkeston are 19 overall and 21 on away matches having not won away.<br>So lets have a good game tonight lads and play to our full potential!<br>I hope Mike’s goal on Sat is a confidence booster for him and we see him score again tonight.<br>So, up the Albion and see you all there!!

Its my first game of the season and I am hoping to witness the early season form that earned the lads such high praise.<br><br>Ilkeston, I’m sure will make it tough, but the league is already taking shape and I am positve about a favourable result.<br><br>Come on the lads!!!

Witton Albion 3 v Ilkeston Town 1<br><br>and as I sit at my keyboard I am a little confused as to how I can sum up the game.<br><br>Witton were the better team, of that there can be no doubt. <br>The referee was petty and too damned whistle happy.<br>We were very fortunate with the opening goal, thanks largely to a monumental keeper error, who took a fresh air swing at a tame through ball and watched in horror as it ran into the goal.<br>The second was an excellent free kick by Peers, just on the stroke of half time. As for the third, not sure who scored it. A looping shot from MM that hit the far post rebounded back across goal and from my vantage point looked like it hit the keeper and went in. Either the keeper had a mare, or we had the rub of the green, I think both.<br><br>They did score, from a whipped in free kick, but by then the damage was done.<br><br>One of their lads did get injured, for what looked like an attempted late challenge on one of our lads, and came off a lot worse, as he needed extensive treatment and was stretchered off, I hope that the lad makes a speedy recovery. <br><br>On the whole a good match, a comfortable win and it should set us up for the cup game on Saturday.

[smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br>A good allround performance, the defence is looking more solid, midfield has got more movement and desire to be first to the ball and the strikers were lively, still more to come I think but we are 6th in the league and with our game in hand go 2nd, so its looking good, adam foy and lee spike and gary furnival ( any news on his recovery ) to come back and a strong looking bench for once, dont know how gary will keep them all happy, but im sure its a nice problem to have, playoffs are a cert and maybe automatic promotion, how many go up direct ? top 2 i think.

A good performance, the team look capable of a very good season, play-offs even winning the league. However on a cautious note, the problem must surely be the support or lack of it, 225 last night, pitiful, I feel sorry for Gary and the boys because on that level of support the club will have serious problems maintaining the budget.<br><br>

Well done lads, its good to see a Witton side getting stuck in again. a good all round look to the the side, your only as good as the players that aren’t playing as Clough used to say.Syder, Byrne, Stanners, Pinch, Connors, Spike, Foy, Fernival to name a few best squad we’ve had in a long time just hope some of the Wittoners start returning soon. First time we’ve had a legue scout at a Witton game for a long time too!!! One point on the injured lad I didn’t agree with on or two of the comments either but in fairness the lad got hurt making a shocking challenge that should, injured or not resulted in at least a booking but the ref was pretty awful.

A great allround performance… [smiley=banane.gif] Ref was very poor…Hope there lad is OK…IT was a bad tackle, should of least got booked…as i said bad …REFEREE,s decisions…but still, he has 2 work 4 a living…so speedy recovery is hoped 4…Good luck 4 saturday lads… 8)