Witton Albion V Radcliffe Borough

4-1 Lee Spike 2, Moseley & Yates as per update. The real reason i posted was to say that I couldn’t make the game after a weird day. If we win today I might never go to a Witton game again if we keep winning when I’m not there.<br><br> Games I’ve missed: Blyth (A) Won 3-2, Matlock (H) Won 1-0 & Matlock (A) Won 4-1.

Excellent result lads. Well done. Might cause the knockers to keep their traps shut for a few days!

Great result lots of pressure looking much better all round I thought Well done

Did we need that result or not !!! [smiley=banane.gif]<br>Everyone at the club needed a lift, <br>I could understand Lee Spike getting man of the match<br> ( Thank goodness u didnt get a hatrick coz matchballs aint cheap).<br>How ever there were great personal performances by a number of players, my choice was Adam FOY I hope u werent drug tested afterwards !<br>MM please sign, even if you want to go, <br>Pritch will stay I am sure, he is the most loyal WITTON<br>player I can recall for thirty years<br><br>Well done the team [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br>and everybody that keeps the FOOTBALL side [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]going.

Well that was long overdue, and I don’t just mean for the fans but for the players too. <br>We have been unlucky in some recent games and wondered how we’d been beaten, today we hit 4 past a team above us in the league (at home too).<br><br>Well done lads, lets hope we can keep it going on Tuesday. Any danger of it being on…? As Chad kept stating do CHECK THE WEBSITE AND FORUM before travelling!<br><br>Not a bad gate either - credit to Radcliffe for bringing a few too (well more than a few actually!) Maybe there will be a bit of interest too if we can keep playing like that AND getting the results. <br><br>Finally good to see we have already had a few posts despite the fact we didn’t loose - crikey what a day!

Excellent result; much needed win.<br><br>We seemed much more up for it today - maybe we suddenly realised that we need to actually win games.<br><br>I agree with Andy; Adam Foy was fantastic today. ?But that’s not to take anything away from everyone else - Lee Spike did very well (scoring two goals was pretty good too!), Mike Moseley didn’t stop running again, Stanners looked good until he went off (injured?), good to see Farls getting forward more, Ticks did well having played on Thursday for the reserves but not having played for a while beforehand etc.<br><br>Not a bad attendance considering recent results (admittedly Radcliffe did bring a fair few) and it was good to give the Witton fans a good showing with some good goals.<br><br>Don’t imagine Leek will be on since they played today, so next Sunday it is I guess!<br><br> ;D<br><br>Oh - and whingers, you can whinge about there being nothing to whinge about if you like.

[smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br><br> [smiley=banane.gif]<br><br>A great result, thought everyone played well and we looked well balanced with really good movement, lee spike looks to be an excellent signing and a partner for Mike just wait until they gel and Mike getting onto lees flicks etc :stuck_out_tongue: this was definitely more like the result this team should get, it only needs 1 or 2 additions to the squad next season and we will be up at the top, so the players who are being poached/tapped please lets see you commit and stay, despite what crap is on the web site sometimes the fans are pretty much behind this team of players and it looks like this mgr will get us somewhere, and also heard today the v–s will be with us till the end of the season ? so finances will stay healthy - oh mr mellor what will you have to moan about - maybe the inept mgt at v—s for not finishing the Super VS stadium - 2 sided, no pitch, no facilities ? <br><br>no future !<br><br>the futures RED cmon the albion [smiley=cheezy.gif]

Yes, great result,good performance. Don’t you just feel better when your team has won. <br>For me, one of the differences today was having a left back at left back. Thought Tick was steady today and gave the defence a balance.<br>Made a lot of money also for the Dev Fund so thanks to all.<br><br>See you Friday.<br><br>[By the way - as the pitch will take a battering with games on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday & Wednesday - can as many readers as possible please give of your time on any of these days to help maintain, clean etc] Thank you.<br><br>GE<br>

Not going to add much more, well done lads enjoyed today thought Pritch as always was great at the back, Foy had his best game in a while in the middle and Mossley work really hard up front. hopefully I will be able to say the same for the first game of next season…??? [smiley=dunno.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Just out of curiosity who has brought the most to the ‘Albion’ this year, Radcliffe, Blyth???

Just to clear up one matter- THE VICTORIA STADIUM is taking match day sponsorship for Vics last 5 HOME games!! Maybe in your dreams that we are staying til end of the season but NOT reality I’m afraid. We will be leaving on saturday - as for the two sided stadium, it’s still better than WP with two sides BUT come Aug you will see all the facilities completeand all sides open and in two years an 8000 capacity ground with full length stands on all 4 sides – and that is the REAL intention of MC and his fan fantastic board of directors which incidentally gained another millionaire last week. Next year full time in the CONFERENCE! 27 seasons at the TOP – The mighty greens are getting bigger and bigger!

[quote]Excellent result; much needed win.

We seemed much more up for it today - maybe we suddenly realised that we need to actually win games.

I agree with Andy; Adam Foy was fantastic today. ?But that’s not to take anything away from everyone else - Lee Spike did very well (scoring two goals was pretty good too!), Mike Moseley didn’t stop running again, Stanners looked good until he went off (injured?), good to see Farls getting forward more, Ticks did well having played on Thursday for the reserves but not having played for a while beforehand etc.

Not a bad attendance considering recent results (admittedly Radcliffe did bring a fair few) and it was good to give the Witton fans a good showing with some good goals.

Don’t imagine Leek will be on since they played today, so next Sunday it is I guess!


Oh - and whingers, you can whinge about there being nothing to whinge about if you like.[/quote]<br><br><br><br>Another inept performance from us yesterday. Great support of over 50 let down badly, Witton were not great but we were pathetic and it seems like mid-table for us both. The league is so close apart from the top 6 and bottom 6 with only a few points seperating the rest, seems like our season has ended eh.

The biggest amount to come to us? Marine brought a fair amount as did Whitby & Blyth which is well done to them. I think it is inevitable that Hyde will though.

Did Fars play at right back or centre back? Hope he works on his distribution in training more he just lashes it around the pitch far too often, his pace is his only real assett. We should replace him. Spike appears to be decent and could maybe develop a good p’ship with Moseley if given chance. A bit more fine tuning and we could really push on. Well done to the management for the win.

Art garfunkle obviosly knows adam well because only people who know him well call him farls.

Great Result Guys - Amazing what happens when JDs defence is partnered together again!!!

If JD’s defence was partnered together i would be sitting on the bench

;Dbring him back then!!! [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Pritch, when i hang my boots up at the end of the season, you want to do the same mate. I’ll get a couple of nails for you.

If Pritch was on the bench it would prob been 4-0<br><br> ;D :smiley: :wink: :slight_smile: 8) ::slight_smile: :-* [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=cheezy.gif] ;D ;D ;D :smiley: :wink: :slight_smile: [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=cheezy.gif] ;D :smiley: ;D :slight_smile: