Witton Albion V Runcorn FC Halton

Witton Albion FC 1-0 Runcorn FC Halton<br><br>LATEST SCORE [smiley=3dbiggrin3.gif]

Full-Time result<br><br>Witton Albion 2-0 Runcorn FC Halton<br><br> [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Goalscorers: Latham, Byrne

Good showing again guys.<br><br>Fab goals from Byrne in first half, and a superb free kick from Ian Latham, who on Saturday didn’t look like he’d be playing footie for a while!<br><br>Good attendance too - 309.<br><br>Not sure what game the liner was watching with their no. 3 encroaching on the free kick and the subsequent hand ball, bit anywho. ?Have the rules changed over the Summer?

Fallen down the table though…to 2nd behind North Ferriby on goals scored cos’ they whooped BPA 5-2 tonight on top of their 4-2 away win on Saturday.

Well maybe people will start to believe the optimism now.<br><br>Infact they already do, if any of the players/management are reading this, I havent known such optimism n lack of moaning for years - no joke.<br>Please keep it up.<br><br>Great performance and proving saturday wasn’t just a one off AND for once we get a decent gate AND we play well at the same time. (some one pinch me!)<br> [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif]<br><br>Oh yeh the goals were fantatsic too and the officials were muppets!

Well done again lads!<br>Great finish from Danny and a superb free kick from Ian!<br>My MOM: Can’t choose! Everyone was brilliant ;D<br>Bring on Wakefield!!


[smiley=cheezy.gif]Wow!! Can’t remember when we had such an exciting start to the season, we played Runcorn off the park tonight, looked like we had 1 or 2 extra players (and would would have had, if the ref had done his job properly), seemed to be first to virtually every ball, and always looked likely to score another. Great stuff, keep up the good work!

Well done to all, for the first time in a long time really couldn’t find fault with any player I always believe you are as good as the players waiting on the side lines, Pritch, Connors, Stanners, Peers, Spike, etc etc etc a squad all working hard for eack other. Exciting times.

Great Start Guys & Two cracking goals (3 really cos Ben’s header should have been allowed to stand!)<br><br>Not won both opening league matches since 2000. <br><br>Healthy crowd figure too - but where were the "Corn" faithful?

well done to Gary and the Lads. It’s been a long while since we have seen nice football like that at wincham Park. Especially against a physical side like Runcorn.<br><br>Like to say we looked balanced with Ben Jones and Danny byrne either side Ben looks a good signing fast and up for it. two fantastic goals last night too well don Danny and Ian.<br><br>cant fault any of the other players either, looks like we will be in for a good and entertaining season ;D<br><br>Thanks guys<br>

Hey lads can u steady on a bit, Im starting to wish my holiday away.<br>Im 2000 miles away and Im even getting excited, Im sitting with my mobile in my hand waiting for news, <br>keep battling on, <br><br>maybe this season just maybe :o :o

I knew you’d be on ME!<br>Like a book! ;)<br><br>