In the fridge chilling as we speak!!

Professional performance to deservedly win - first two goals were crackers but the one that mattered was a tap-in!

Well done to everyone at this Football Club & a day to be celebrated. A few sore heads tomorrow methinks.

Well done to Carl & Co. His toughest job now starts in negotiating terms with this season’s excellent players.


Also good to see legends Karl Thomas, Mike Moseley and Danny Andrews down today, I hope they enjoyed the day UTA

Was at the game today with a few other (real) Greens of northwich, you deserved to win and to go up. well done, first two goals of the day were quality.

I know everyone was MOM but the one who just edged it, IMO, Scott Lycett.
Good, no-nonsense defending.

Who was in goal for Spalding, Duggan or Vince?

Duggan was in goal ,what a great ‘team’ performerance , but I thought Bauress just shaded it , but what a reflex save from Danny, near the end!!! Fantastic , EVERYONE !

Tremendous team

Tremendous season

One grown man who shed a tear this afternoon

Well done lads you are a talented and committed bunch of players and I hope you all have a tremendous time in Benidorm

Looking forward to next season already

Just read on twitter that Tom Owens is going to live in Australia. Thanks for a great season buddy and all the best

Why would anyone go to live in Australia? It’s full of Aussies!! Thank you, lads, for giving my book a VERY happy ending. John Nattrass will be giving it one last proof-read then it will be off to the printers. I will let you all know on here and on Facebook when they are ready for you all to purchase. I thought with 70 ordered that 150 would be more than enough, now I am not so sure!!

If anyone uses Twitter, I have posted a few photos on the Northwich Life page.

Well deserved win today and great celebrations at the end. Well done lads!

I have to say I didn’t enjoy the game one bit as I was a nervous wreck !! But oh boy, did that final whistle sound sweet !! On the first day of this season I knew we had a team - and how they proved it. Superb season long effort from everyone associated with the club has culminated in us going up. I am so proud of OUR club. Every man jack. I know some of this team will move on, but I hope that they all remember this moment as much as we have. Fantastic day to be part of it all !!!

Well played each and everyone of you team of heroes. Credit to Spalding but they couldn’t deal with us 2nd half constant pressure. This is the best Witton team I have watched in 30 odd years, such an enjoyable season. This team have given their all. Well done Carl McCauley you deserve it, Witton legend… ONE team in Northwich WE ARE GOING UP!!!:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

What a great result today and what a season - the team kept at it and kept heart!

Fantastic support too - looking forward to some travels next season already!

Well done everyone at the club!

I’m flippin well tellin yooooouuuuu! Well done to all concerned for this wonderful season we’ve had we thoroughly deserved this promotion and by gum we’ve got it. Rushden and Spalding both gave us a really good test but we came through both games with our heads held high I can still hardly believe it COME ON THE ALBIOOON!!!

I have just got home from witton chimes and am far too drunk to post anyhtin sensible. Other than I love this football club always have done always will do X UTA

[quote=“WHS” post=70848]Why would anyone go to live in Australia? It’s full of Aussies!! Thank you, lads, for giving my book a VERY happy ending. John Nattrass will be giving it one last proof-read then it will be off to the printers. I will let you all know on here and on Facebook when they are ready for you all to purchase. I thought with 70 ordered that 150 would be more than enough, now I am not so sure!!

Will the book include today’s squad andv photos of the promotion winning team?! If so how do I order one and how much

a brilliant result ,which is richly deserved as this great bunch of players have played their socks off all mseason. This promotion is well and truly deserved. There were 11 mom out there today and I am just so proud to be a Witton fan. Thanks boys for a wonderful season and hope to see you all in the Witton shirt next season. Also thanks to Carl and his management team and also to the groundstaff , whose terrific work on the pitch has helped the players to play their football, also thanks to all volunteers who have also played their part in giving us a fantastic season. Can’t wait for the season to start. UTA

Five years to the day since we beat Curzon Ashton in the Play Off Final. Am I right in thinking that we have created a bit of history, by becoming the first team to win both Evo-Stik First Division Play Off Finals

Probably Wheels. And our only remaining player from the Curzon game scores the winner today.