Witton Albion v Spennymoor FAC 3rd Qf Rnd

This Saturday is a massive game, the biggest cup game at WP for a long time.

Spennymoor have won their league for the last 2 years and will probably be favourites on Saturday as a result. They have 3 supporters coaches coming down so 150 plus away supporters (The price for travel is only £6 a head - so obviously heavily subsidised).

They’ll no doubt be noisy, and lets hope that we can get all the locals down to support Pritch and the lads.

The brand of football we have played this season should mean we fear noone and it will mean a cracking cup tie is in prospect.

if you can encourage any lapsed Wittoners and your friends and family down then please do! And lets make sure we make it a red and white day to remember!!!


A very interesting and informative match report Andrew, thanks for that :wink:

Still selling discounted red scarves in the Shop until after Saturdays game, so get your red and white on display!

A very tough game lies ahead but if we play like we have done recently we have every chance.
The lads need the support so everyone get down to the help for heroes stadium this Saturday! Loud and proud!
Come on witerrrrrnnnnnnnnnnnn!

Barring an act of God (or the Wife) I will be there.

In order to ensure that the day is as enjoyable and comfortable as possible for all concerned, we have put in place the following arrangements:

  1. Segregation will apply, with Spennymoor Town supporters being allocated the Lostock end of the ground. The turnstiles will be clearly marked

  2. The social club will be open to all supporters from 1pm but will close at 2.30pm in order to allow sufficient time in which to enter the ground. There will be limited access at half-time

  3. In order to comply with FA Challenge Cup Rule 13 FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT (xiv) at no stage will alcohol be allowed outside of the social club or inside the stadium

  4. Entry into the stadium will be from 1.30pm but once inside there will be no available access into the social club until half-time and from the main stand only

  5. Visiting coaches will be parked at the Lostock end of the ground to enable easy departure .

In an attempt to further publicise and boost support for the forthcoming FA Cup game on Saturday, we have had 50 posters printed, and help is needed to get them into shops, pubs, sports centres etc.

[center][size=6][color=#ff0000]Can you help?[/color][/size] [/center]
The posters can be collected from the ground, once delivered, which is expected to be tomorrow (Wednesday), so please call Peter Riley on 07813 620 161 to arrange collection.

Really looking forward to this. It really is a massive game for us! Everyone please try to bring a friend or family member down.

It about time we had a bit of luck isn’t it? The amount of false dawns we’ve had over the past 5/6 years. The people that work tirelessly for our proud little club deserve some good fortune. Let’s get there nice and early, in our numbers and roll back the years. Let’s propel our club forward and that has to start on the terraces. We know this young side we have will battle for us, we have to do the same. So many times in the past we seem to have put in a poor performance when we had a good gate. Now is the time to make people want to come back again and we’ve got another opportunity for that to happen with what will probably be around 500 at the H4H on Saturday.

On the pitch, I can see it being a real tough test of how far we’ve come, looking on Moor’s forum it seems quite a few of them are confident of turning us over (they have no right not to be). They’re going to show up in their numbers and be very loud. So let’s get behind the lads from the off and show Spennymoor who Witton Albion are.

Here’s hoping we don’t get any decisions like this against us on Saturday! Bloody hell ref…


That one was a penalty for me, arm sticking out, no effort to get his arm out of the way.

Now have a look at their penalty (6:20 in the video)against Whitley Bay on Saturday, that was a truly shocking decision. (And not the only one that game! Check out the ridiculous yellow card (4:47), having not given even a free kick for what was a possible red card offence by I think the same player (4:20), then the unbelievable double straight reds for what was two yellows at the absolute most (7:13) if the ref was feeling harsh!) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCa2rJweyuM&feature=player_embedded

The bookies have made up clear favourites - http://sports.coral.co.uk/sport/en#/drilldown/type/218/FA-Cup

I’ve just watched that youtube clip and I have to say that is the worst goal celebration I’ve ever seen! doing a handstand??? lets hope we don’t have to watch that on Saturday…

I Notice a camera seems to be filming the home games, are these highlights available online anywhere ?

Spennymoor have three players unavailable tomorrow. Midfielder Sam Garvie is out injured and strikers Grant Barton & Sonny Andrews are both cup-tied.


The guardian is saying £4 for kids, but the poster going round says £3, which I tihnk is the usual for FA Cup games. Can anyone confirm? A pound is a pound is a pound.

Yes please, I am on the away gate so I don’t fancy having an argument with an irate parent from Spennymoor. I will miss the first 10 or 15 minutes but I won’t mind if Brian’s boys are 3-0 by the time I get on the terraces.

I thought matt woods had been approached by Stafford Rangers and thats why he wasnt playing on Tuesday?
Maybe im wrong? :S

You may be right - but i hope not, matt was suspended on saturday i think and i would not have expected him to play in effectively a reserve game on tuesday, anyone have an update on this ? :unsure:

here we go again with these unfounded rumours. why don’t you just keep your mouth shut and your fingers off the keyboard. this game is the biggest one for some years, so don’t undermine what pritch and mose and the players are doing by coming on here and undermining all the good work that has gone on this season.DON’T COME ON HERE OR ANYWHERE ELSE WITH THIS CRAP. come on the albion, i for one appreciate what the management, players, volounteers and the board are doing at this proud and well run club. good luck against spennymoor, who will we get in the next round. let,s all get to the h4h stadium to cheer on the albion.

We need every Wittoner we have got to sing/shout his/her hearts out to make sure our players feel that they are the home team.

Latest I have heard is that they are bringing 3 official supporters coaches, 1 unofficial coach plus a players coach.

I reckon they are bringing 350+ supporters, so game on.