Witton Albion v Stalybridge Celtic

Well done to everyone conected with OUR team, the cream of Cheshire. [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br>The lads all gave 100% you couldn’t tell that we had lads that have been playing in the MCFL 1st division as they all played as they had been together for a long time.<br>You were all a credit to the club [smiley=banane.gif]

What a night, fabulous performance, every player put 100% in and all starred in a great win, jim must be very proud to see his players perform at that level.<br><br>Tell your friends how goods we were and lets get some more fans down on saturday, lets have a real go at reaching the play offs.<br><br>come on you reds<br><br>Cheshires finest ;D ;D ;D

Brilliant night! Highlight for me was Crouchy running on the pitch and getting rugby tackled by the stewards!! And him losing his hat!! Stalybridge fans on their website saying we only had one song,i think we made about 10 more songs were made up just during the game! [smiley=banane.gif]

I wish to claim credit for the victory, Witton seem only to play well when I am not there!!! <br>WHS

Seriously, well done to the team and the supporters who have stuck by the team this season, you both have my utmost respect. Shuts up a lot of Vics supporters who have been getting on my nerves just lately, what have they actually won in the last few years?<br>WHS

Absolutely Fantastic! What a night! Great passion from both the fans and the playing staff! 150% effort for 90 mins, we kept our heads and used the ball well. The whole afternoon/night was belting. Started with Mike H getting the train for free (somehow managed to confuse the guy who was collecting money!), Crouchy’s hat ending up on the roof of a shop in Alty (Chad?!), Crouchy getting rugby tackled by a steward (face down on the pitch, classic!), Who needs Mourinho!!!, having a bit of banter with the liner in the club after the game (he claims to have heard every insult!), and a couple of other incidents that are probably best not mentioned!!!

When you talk about wanting it and deserving it, that probably has to be the best Cup (apart from winning the league) a club at our level has a realistic chance of winning.<br>I was thinking back to the last time we won it - 10 years ago on a sunny May bank holiday with Warrenders backing and a team of apparent superstars (did pritch play that day?) <br>well after all thats happned since then we’re still here and I think I enjoyed last night much much more!<br><br>Att 427 - seems a bit low to me.<br><br>did anyone else wake up in the night singing Jim Vinceio? We could release that its bloody catchy!

I literally lost my voice today! had to go into work this morning trying to explain that I couldn’t do my job properly because I couldn’t talk to customers! I showed them the picture of me with Pritch and the cup and they understood. The Jim Vincio song has haunted me all day, I can’t stop whistling it!

If there was only 427 on that ground last night as claimed, then I must have been seeing double all night, there was that many Witton fans chanting and singing at the end !!!

Fantastic.Well done to everyone.As a newish Wittoner my best night by far.Being part of that Witton crowd is a great buzz.<br>Let’s stick it up Ossett on Sat to prove the away result was a mere blip!<br>Congratulations to the whole club.

Re: Albion v. Burscough<br>? Reply #18 on: 4:42pm on 14th Mar ? <br>[color=Red]Come-on-the Albs[/color]<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Quote: from the above <br>i agree with the above post - [color=Red]sorry if i offended anyone about the reserves i was just trying to say that at this present moment i dont think it would be a great idea [/color]but for the future lets home we can bring some good talent in<br><br>I am waiting for a reply from this person

Follow this link to the official Cheshire FA site and reports/photos of our fabulous triumph<br><br>http://www.cheshirefa.com/Postings/2006/03/cheshireseniorcupfinal.htm&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;A few more snippets for you to digest:-<br><br>Brett Walker was only called in to play at lunchtime when it was pointed out that Jon Worsnop, being a contracted loan player, was ineligable <br><br>Brett became the 50th player to make a 1st team appearance this season ?(shades of Kevin Tully’s era or what?)<br><br>Rick Bailey’s previous 7 appearances had all been as substitute. ie He was also making his full debut.<br><br><br>Now then once more <br><br>"Who needs Moriniho, we’ve got Jim Vinceio!" <br><br>again and again and again<br>

2 days and i am still smiling. Great night, great result with a fantastic atmosphere created by the fans (who cares what it says on their site, they are wrong). I still have the cup (i promise its coming back tonight!) at my house, the misses thinks i have gone mad bringing the cup home. But after the farce of 2 years ago i wasn’t giving it up without a fight. I think every performed on Tuesday like the players were doing every game before christmas and if we can take the same collective attitude into our remaining League games then who knows.<br><br>See you all saturday and just to answer Neil, yes i did play in 1996 final with all money men! Its taken me 10 years to recover from going clean through in extra time and doing my impression of Geoff Thomas! <br><br>C’mon the albion!

Sounds like a fantastic result!!!<br><br>Well done to the boys and espicially to some of the reserve lads who stepped in.

Len, get a life, i admited i was wrong takes a bigger man to admit when wrong so you dont need to rub it in.

Pritch i need to know, have you slept with the trophy !!!, I agree being in my first season watching Witton (albeit mainly reserves) i applaud the commitment on and off the field and have done all season. <br>Lets hope that attitude can be taken forward into the remining games. I am sure Jim will revert back to his tried and tested players and the youngsters will have to await their next chance, which i am sure will be very soon.

no comment!

Does anyone know what day the meeting is wher Jim is answering questions ???

thursday 23rd I think it said in the programme - 7.30 I think - can anyone confirm?

Certainly that was the date & time that Jim wrote in last week’s programme.<br><br>Should have it re-confirmed tomorrow.