Witton Albion v Stalybridge Celtic

Witton team<br><br>Walker, Spearritt, Brownhill, Pritchard, Burke, Mark Jones, Hall, Bailey, Moseley, Whittaker, Peers.<br><br>Subs: Hughes, Hurst, Avery.

Latest Score: WITTON ALBION 1 STALYBRIDGE CELTIC 0.<br><br>Mark Jones from a Mark Peers corner 2mins before half time.<br><br>


Latest Score: WITTON ALBION 2 STALYBRIDGE CELTIC 0.<br><br>Mike Moseley.

Latest Score: WITTON ALBION 2 STALYBRIDGE CELTIC 0.<br><br>Dave Whittaker replaced by Andy Hurst.


Fantastic!<br><br>[smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif]<br><br>Well done lads, two cups this year.<br><br>[smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] <br><br>Thanks very much Derek, much appreciated. <br><br>

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what a night amazin!! loved it COME ON THE ALBS!!! well done to all the lads and Jim and the supporters were fantastic!!!

Superb night well done to ALL the players they were great what a night<br><br>The red and white ribbons are put on!<br><br>looking happy!<br><br>Kids made up but spot the missing player at the back!

Pretty much speechless!<br>Have to admit I really didnt expect that, and then I saw the team with more changes and no disrespect but inexperience at this level but they were all excellent.<br><br>They had a lot of possession but we were superb on the break and hussled all the way.<br><br>Outstanding.<br><br>Nice to see Jim get some credit aswell (Jim Vinceo!) Will be interesting to hear him speak next week at the meeting. <br>If we can perform like that have people rethought our play off chances?<br><br>Get in! [smiley=banane.gif]

What a fantastic night!<br><br>Even though a bad leg prevented me from being there, I was there in spirit and felt like I’d kicked every ball with the lads.<br><br>Thanks to a certain lady who shall remain nameless, I could even hear the fans singing at the end as she held her mobile phone in the air. ?A noisy lot these Witton fans but who cares, it’s about time we had something to shout about.<br><br>Well done to Jim, Benny, Shane and all the lads for a great night and let’s hope it’s the first of many.

Just got back after a wee session in the Griffin en route. All Round Great atmosphere, Great victory, Great performances. <br><br>Considering half the team hadn’t played together before you couldn’t tell. And to cap it all what a debut for Brett Walker.<br><br>A great reward for the HEART tonight folks. Let’s carry it on to Saturday now.<br><br>Now what was that song again?<br> "Who needs Moriniho we’ve got Jim Vinceio" etc etc<br><br>SING IT LOUD!!!

just got out of bed, not much sleep, no voice but a very happy man. Well done to all the team the subs and the lads who didnt make the squad, it is a great club effort. <br>Got a video of a certain manager jumping up and down at the end with the team, once again well done to everybody.

;D ;D ;What a night!!!<br><br>If ever there were a night that encapsulated what OUR CLUB is about then that was it.<br><br>So much passion on and off the pitch and a fantastic reward for the hours,weeks and lets be honest years of toil that so many Wittoners have put in to keep the club going.<br><br>Congratulations to all the players and staff you were magnificent!

Great result, absolutely delighted I have a confession to make, I didn’t finish work until 8 and made the decision not to rush over to Altrincham for the second half as I was still feeling a bit low after Saturday and wasn’t that confident, how wrong could I be I should have known better, just goes to show even after all the upheavel of the last couple of months we should all still keep the faith! Well done to everyone!!

Congratulations to all involved, it was a great performance, the players and management showed wonderful commitment to the Club last night.<br><br>A word for the Chairman, that success is tribute to the work put in by Mike Worthington for the past few years - he deserves success on the field.

Although everyone played their part in bringing the cup back to Wincham Park, and how about that we didn’t concede a goal throughout the competition.<br><br>I’d like to dedicate the victory to three lads in particular who have been very unfortunate to miss out namely Steve Connors, Liam McGuire and Adam Foy.

Was in the sick-bay (having to endure City winning on the TV), but what a fantastic result for us. <br><br>Stalybridge web site forum calls it a tin-pot trophy. Hmmm, I wonder if they said that when they beat the scum away in a previous round?<br><br>Congratulations to the Chairman, Board, Management Team, Staff and players.<br><br>Onwards and upwards…<br><br>

Well said Rob, 100% correct, and also Derek. Shame about everyone who missed out on the game, but there’s still plenty to play for this season.