Witton Albion vs Grantham

Whilst yesterday was disappointing we need to leave that game behind and move on. It was what it was and that the fact we only took one point instead of three is something we can’t change, it has gone.

It was a strange set of results yesterday and the reality is that we are one game closer and in the same position as we were before the game. The 5 teams below us drew and the 3 below them all lost!

We hopefully learnt some lessons from yesterday however extending the post-mortem will achieve nothing, we need to look forward and not back. After 37 games of the season you are only at the top of the league if you deserve to be.

The lads need to enjoy the next 5 games and above all need to go into every match with belief. Belief in their ability and with the confidence to win. It is no different in any sport, does Federer go into a tennis match thinking he might get beat (I don’t think so)! If you approach games with nerves and anxiety then chances are you will not win, same for the fans, it is time to ‘keep the faith’. Encouragement and motivation from the terraces makes a massive difference (just look at yesterday when we were 2-3 down, the fans pratically scored the next two goals)!!!

Belief, confidence and mental strength will win this title, nothing else. If the lads get a boll****ing now or we start to get on their back, then it will all dent confidence. We need to do the simple stuff well, avoid putting ourselves under pressure and take the chances when they come along.

Roll on Saturday, 3 points and back on track.

I think people need to start taking a reality check and actually put things into perspective a little. Where are we in the league guys??? For those who haven’t realised WE ARE TOP OF THE LEAGUE so let’s just F**KING ENJOY IT!!!

It’s Jim’s job to look at the negatives from yesterday and ensure they don’t happen again, but the rest of us need to be positive. A negative feeling about the place will spread like cancer and we need to cut it out right now. like Rabbit said, the positive vibe from behind goal carried the players back into a lead yesterday when they could so easily of crumbled. We didn’t win the league on Saturday and we certainly didn’t lose it yesterday.

Let’s look at it from a positive angle;

Brilliant attendance yesterday, and for most of the second half a brilliant atmosphere (thanks in part to Connors and Griff!).
Four goals scored.
Both strikers scoring.
Gaghan looked back to his best when he came on.
We scored a penalty (this could be a massive mental lift if we get another against Telford for example).
Despite the fact we’d gone from 2 up to be 3 - 2 down, the lads didn’t let their heads drop and we came back to earn a point.
For the first time in weeks we’ve gone 2 games unbeaten.
We only need to get equal points over our next 5 games than Telford and Burscough do in their next 4.
We’ve scored 53 goals at home now - HOW GOOD IS THAT?!
Warlow stuck away another 2 yesterday - HOW GOOD IS THAT?!
There are 21 teams who would give anything to swap places with us right now.
Is there any other position in the league you’d rather be in at the moment??? Got your eye on 3rd place at all??

If there isn’t enough there to take heart from then i suggest you get yourself over the canal and watch a team with NOTHING left to play for. We have a young squad, and a young manager who is still learning. Most of them - like us - have not been in this position before. There are going to be nerves, and there are going to be twists and turns before the season finishes. Roll back the clock to Christmas and how many of us would of given anything to be in this position now?? It’s still ours and they have to come take it off us. Support the team, support the manager, sing your hearts out. Worst case scenario we finish in the play offs. F**k me it makes you want to slit your wrists doesn’t it. No? Didn’t think so. JUST ENJOY IT. I know i will.

You just have to read the Telford forum and see how many of their fans are being negative and getting on the team’s back. It hasn’t helped them turn things around has it so let’s not do the same. Jim and the team have got us in this position, so now it’s up to us to push them over the finishing line. We have 3 home games left, that’s more than enough to get the job done. HAVE FAITH.

And young Farqy will be fine. He’s a young lad and at the moment he’s mainly hussle and bussle, but he took his goal really well yesterday, and he gave their defenders no peace at all. He also turned the game for us on Saturday when he came on. I’m as gutted as anyone that we didn’t win yesterday, but regardless of Grantham’s position a point is a point. We’re one point closer and one game closer than we were at this time yesterday. If we win Saturday and Monday then we can hopefully enjoy Whitby alot more.

We’re nearly there boys, let’s keep beleiving for another couple of weeks hey, and then we’ll see what happens come final day. I think Jim and the lads have earned that much from us at least.


Good posting Robbo


Just a couple of extra points;

Bags of respect to the travelling Grantham fans. For so many to travel and to make such a noise as they did even though they are down and out was brilliant. It’s not the easiest of trips as me and Yox found out when we went to their place!

Also people are saying we shouldn’t be relying on results elsewhere, well the reason we are top is because of OUR results over the last 37 games. We’re not relying on anyone else, and it’s still very much in our hands.

Finally, for Griff and Connors to be singing songs that have been dreamt up on drunken friday nights out was a great feeling yesterday!! Cheers boys, it’s nice to know you like them.

Excellent contributions from Rabbit and Robbo!!

The fans must remain positive and inspire the team. Let the other teams’ fans get onto their own players.

Lets support ours.

Onward and upward.

Bill :smiley:

Cheers Bill

As a kid if you fall off your bike you get straight back on, as an adult confidence gets dented quickly!

We have a fantastic team here that has given us all a great season of football. We need to go into Saturday with zero negativity and 100% committment and belief. If we do that, we win it, plain and simple!

C’mon the albs

Quite agree with Robbo - we absolutely must keep the faith and support these guys to the hilt. Yes we were all gutted when Grantham scored to go in front - but that’s when the team needs support most - and yesterday after a brief silence it came through load and strong. It has to continue to be like that. No time for faint hearts on or off the pitch. The team that wins this league will be the one that holds its nerves - and that includes the speccies. When times are tough the last thing any player needs is stick so the harder it gets the louder we need to sing.

Finally - all the results yesterday were upside down so it could have been a lot worse. Look on the bright side - we slipped up and none of the others could take advantage.





;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Lets do everything in our power to be the 12th man. We need to be louder than the opposition fans, more positive, as MT pointed out yesterday, lets not get involved with singing songs about the opposition, lets get behind our lads. It was obvious from the reactions of the players after the final whistle that they were as gutted as us, Steve and Griff looked worse than us if anything. That should give a big indication of how much this means to the players. They want it as badly as us, and they are giving everything they have got. A couple of players were awful yesterday but they didn’t intentionally set out to have a bad game did they? They are nervous because no-one wants to make a decisive mistake at this stage of the season. Lets be 100% supportive, lets tell the players when we speak to them that we know they’re going to win it. From the conversations I heard yesterday, i never heard that once.

Lets make the difference.

Spot on Robbo - I just didn’t have time to write war and peace this morning! (do you do any work at barclays?)

5 games left - keep behind the lads - it is still achievable!

Keep the faith.

Good postings young men. U must take after your old man Robbo for being so positive. Joke.
But remember that when expectations are high then disappointments are often hard to take. The grumpy speccies will all be back next week as if nothing has happened - footballs a funny old game u know - its all a matter of opinion.

But yes u are right lads lets get behind the team no matter what .

[color=red]Well put Robbo we are oh so close now lets start really pushing for the finish line now and then we can party like we did when we last won league. Well done to the players and the manager we aint enjoyed a season like this for ages and i for one would love to see the hard work rewarded with a title to show for it. COME ON ALBION [/color]

Spot on Robbo.
Very eloquent and absolutely on the nail.
Up The Albion.

As supporters our job is to Support - On Monday it was embarrasing 1st half when we took it for granted that Grantham would roll over and let us batter them.

Behind the goal it was like being in the social club with everyone talking whilst the game was going on. If the players concentration was like that we’d soon have something to say.


The encouragement when we went 3-2 down shows what can be achieved when we ALL pull together.

Final gripe there are some people who purport to be supporters who turn on the team whenever anything doesn’t quite go right, the same people can never be heard encouraging. On Saturday lets slaughter anyone that dares to be negative!

Final thought - We are top of the league, Enjoy, relax and make the most of it!

Oh and the Wincham Helicopter has returned to the Dressing Room, all the best Deel’s!

AIR HORNS - WHISTLES - DRUMS - FLAGS it is then Young Chad ?