Witton Albion vs Grantham

Team: Kennedy, Frost, Spearitt, Pritchard, Barras, Brownhill, Brown, Clegg, Warlow , Farq, Peers.

Subs: MM DH CG

GOAL: Witton 1-0 Farq - Text received at 15:21

Telfords Website says Marine are 1 - 0 up.

Keep the updates coming - some of us who can’t be there are watching and waiting…

Thanks for doing so!


2 - 0 Witton Adam Warlow but Grantham scored just before halftime to make it 2 - 1 at the break.[br][size=1]Posted on: April 09, 2007, 04:26:08 PM[/size][hr]2 - 2 Grantham free kick

2 - 3 Granthan take the lead

3 - 3 Witton score via og[br][size=1]Posted on: April 09, 2007, 04:34:48 PM[/size][hr]4 - 3 Witton Barras penalty.

12 mins left at Telford and they are still 1 down.

13 mins left at Ossett still 0 - 0 with Burscough[br][size=1]Posted on: April 09, 2007, 04:38:37 PM[/size][hr]Telford 1 - 1. 10 minutes left.[br][size=1]Posted on: April 09, 2007, 04:41:11 PM[/size][hr]Ossett 0 - 0 Burscough FT

2 mins left at Telford still 1 - 1[br][size=1]Posted on: April 09, 2007, 04:51:05 PM[/size][hr]4 - 4 Witton

Grantham equalised 4-4

Top 3 all finish with draws.

Witton 4 - 4 Grantham

Ossett 0 - 0 Burscough

Telford 1 - 1 Marine

Bloody Shambolic >:( >:(

what was wrong with us today no neat passing just hoof after hoof. farq just didnt seem good enough despite giving it his all witch is all you can ask for. felt he should have been subed sonner for super mike mosley. gregan was class when he came on, we never had a decent set piece until he came on, must be worth a start next week.

Wasnt there today,but drawing against the bottom side who are already relegated doesnt sound good! Bet it was entertaining though!!
At least Telford and Burscough couldnt capitalise. We’re in exactly the same position as before kick off but 1 more game out of the way so it cant be that bad.

well, what a game, 4 shots 4 goals for grantham, a game we should have won with ease but thats’s football…

lets get behing the lads now for the remaining games we are TOP of the league!!! and we are the best team in the league.

Other results went well 4 us today aswell.


Dire display, the Witton of old, get in front then sit back

wouldnt agree with dire, think you need time to reflect think about it and realise that really there was only 1 team in the game playing against a team that came for a draw put men behind the ball and had luck on their side…also we are still top so a good result

cant believe we didnt win this game, but never mind eh? i was stunned at how badly they played at the start of the second half, and because of this they gave away goals, but they luckily picked themselves up again and brought it back and took the lead, only to the grantham get an equaliser later on. hopefully this will be the last of what we see of the team playing badly and we can win the league with a string of brilliant results. C’mon Witton!!!

Ok we should have won today, but how many of us would have taken 4 points from the last two games before they were played ?

Remember (especially the badmouthers at the final whistle):
We are still top
One less game now
We did convert a penalty
Warlow is scoring again
The other top teams only drew
We never beat 10 men (God knows why)
We do miss Stevie Connors
Kearney wasn’t playing (why?)
We came back from 2-3 down, it could have been worse!!!
Up The Albion

Tell you what though…well worth the entrance fee…no harm done with the other results and another game closer ;D ;D ;D

We shouldn’t be relying on the other results. Incredible that they keep going our way though. It’s almost as if the other teams want us to win the league more than we do.

The tactics in the last 10 minutes were not good. We’d been battering them just before that and got 2 goals back to go into the lead. They’d had their goalie sent off, replaced by someone who looked totally inept in goal, and who looked like he would fumble and let in any shot with more strength than a pass-back. So what do we do? (a) Keep attacking, shoot at the rubbish goalie, and try to get another goal so the game is killed off, there are no nervous last few minutes, everyone goes home happy, and we improve our goal difference. Or (b) think that we have to preserve this 1 goal lead at any cost, so sit back, get all players behind the ball, and let Grantham come at us, giving the crowd a collective heart attack for the last few minutes.

We chose (b). It didn’t work. The rubbish replacement goalie had to make one save in 10 minutes - and that was a fumble, where he pushed it over the line.

And on the subject of annoying tactics, the practice of bringing a sub on to waste time during the last minute of a game has become laughable. Grantham got their equaliser in the 92nd minute, with one minute of injury time to go, and immediately made a substitution. We might as well just forget the substitution. All that’s needed is for the manager who wants to waste time to say to the ref, "Ref, I’d normally bring on a sub here. We both know it’s a ridiculous practice… Can you just take off about 30 seconds of time instead?". Ref: "Okay, fine."

Don’t know about relying on results elsewhere but I wonder - if ever - when, with a full fixture list, not one team in the top half of the table has managed to win? Ilkeston in 12th won 1-0 at Matlock tonight.

Yet another Albion record was broken this afternoon in this truly amazing season. Nick Farquaharson’s opening goal was the 50th home league goal. Since we left the Cheshire League in 1979 it’s the first time that magical figure has been reached. Now of course 53 and counting with still 3 more home matches to come.

Bummer. Don’t agree with the comments above. It’s not OK!

When viewing the remaining fixtures, I’m sure JV would have penned this as a nailed-on 3 points. Just because the others slipped up as well is little consolation. The title is still in our own hands, but it would have been brilliant to put daylight between us and Telford so that the result is immaterial when we play them.

Any news on when Connors and Lloyd will return from injury?

Come on the Albion - no more slip-ups eh?

No specific news Eddie but for those who didn’t know:
Griff is hopefully having a scan next week
Connors has shin splints
Llloyd has a back injury

Apologies if thats beeen mentioned elsewhere - potentially not "knocks" as they say.

Not sure where Kearney was today though.

Cheers Neil.

Depth of the squad may be the difference with 5 games to play in 2 weeks. And 2 of our better players at that - the core of the midfield.

Fleetwood also got a shock 0-3 at home to Radcliife. Let’s hope Mossley aren’t as up for it as the 2 teams below them! I still think Telford are the one’s to keep an eye on.