Witton appoint Manager

At last night’s Board meeting, the Board unanimously elected to appoint Jim Vince as Manager of Witton Albion Football Club.<br>Jim has worked tirelessly since his promotion from the Witton Reserve team Manager position and, with his appointment of Benny Phillips as his Assistant, the Albion players have responded superbly to the challenge, currently sitting in fifth position.<br><br>I am sure I speak for all the Witton Albion supporters and staff in wishing Jim and Benny every success.<br><br>GE<br>

Personally, I think this is a great move, Jim Has done really well since taking over and I notice all the early sceptics are rather quiet !! Well done to Jim ! and the board for appointing him, now need to sort out the reserves with Jim moving up, Steve has done a great job in his absence hope he takes it up.

Lets all hope its a long term appointment and that the Club prospers under Jim’s charge, I wish him well.

An excellent choice, I was just discussing on Saturday that you’d not even consider appointing a different person after the way Jim has approached it and what he has achieved.<br>Long may it continue.<br>Excellent news about Peers too!

Congratulations to Jim and I hope the team continues to play well under his leadership!!<br>

At last now lets settle down and get stability and aim to get to the play offs !!! No knowing Jims mentality lets go on and win the league. Witton will go on from here i am sure of that.

Congratulations Jim and hope things continue to go well for you and everyone else concerned.<br><br>The way the players have responded since Jim took charge has been wonderful to see so let’s all hope this is just the beginning of a very exciting phase in our great club.

well done jim! what you and the payers have done is fantastic!

Congrats Jim.<br><br>I’ll continue sending those good luck vibes, shall I!!??<br><br> [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Best of luck to Jim and all the lads I think all the players that have stayed have all shown great commitment and a willingness to work hard for their places which is already showing in the results, my ?50 on us winning the league looks a bit better than it did a month ago!