Witton Marching on Together

It has now been confirmed that Vics will have a 10 point deduction for going into administration. <br> <br>I think the identity of the hoaxster back in August who posted a statement from DS has now been been sorted out. WELL DONE MR CONNETT. You have succeeded in making sure sufficient rumours flew about and no further web chatter could go onto the NVFC site. Therefore no company would even think of doing business with NV and Creditors put pressure on for their cash. Now in administration he will purchase the club for ?1 assetts and all and debt free. <br> <br>Witton Albion need to srubbish all plans to co-operate with NVFC, and refuse to let them play any further home games at Wincham Park. As NV are in Administration Witton do not have to honour any contracts signed to let them play at WP. <br> <br>I urge every Wittoner to put pressure on Mike Worthington to do this as if Mr Connett succeeds iN purchasing NV they will Become a dominent force in the town with no debt and a new stadium. They will not get religated eithER this years as no fewer than four other conferennce clubs will fold this year. <br> <br>Kicking Vics out of Wincham park will mean them being kicked out of the league and ultimatly into the history books. Witton Albion has shown over the last few years it is a football club run by passionate football fans who care about the community. Witton should not be scared to go alone as we can exploit all commercial oppertunities being the only club in Northwich and go from strength to strength. <br> <br>MR WORTHINGTON TAKE IMMEDIATE ADVICE AND DO THE RIGHT THING FOR WITTON ALBION FOOTBALL CLUB <br> <br> <br>

Witton Utd you speak sense, I agree totally all witton fans need to let their feeling known. [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

also totally agree! lets get the mould out of witton!

Now, now, children, you’ll do just as your Chairman tells you to do. [smiley=nono.gif]

[quote]It has now been confirmed that Vics will have a 10 point deduction for going into administration. <br> <br>I think the identity of the hoaxster back in August who posted a statement from DS has now been been sorted out. WELL DONE MR CONNETT. You have succeeded in making sure sufficient rumours flew about and no further web chatter could go onto the NVFC site. Therefore no company would even think of doing business with NV and Creditors put pressure on for their cash. Now in administration he will purchase the club for ?1 assetts and all and debt free. ?<br> <br>Witton Albion need to srubbish all plans to co-operate with NVFC, and refuse to let them play any further home games at Wincham Park. As NV are in Administration Witton do not have to honour any contracts signed to let them play at WP. <br> <br>I urge every Wittoner to put pressure on Mike Worthington to do this as if Mr Connett succeeds iN purchasing NV they will Become a dominent force in the town with no debt and a new stadium. They will not get religated eithER this years as no fewer than four other conferennce clubs will fold this year. <br> <br>Kicking ?Vics out of Wincham park will mean them being kicked out of the league and ultimatly into the history books. Witton Albion has shown over the last few years it is a football club run by passionate football fans who care about the community. Witton should not be scared to go alone as we can exploit all commercial oppertunities being the only club in Northwich and go from strength to strength. <br> <br>MR WORTHINGTON TAKE IMMEDIATE ADVICE AND DO THE RIGHT THING FOR WITTON ALBION FOOTBALL CLUB ?<br> <br> WHAT A NARROW MINDED STATEMENT!! We will probably need Vics one day when we sell up.What is the point in us building a new ground!! We’d have no money left and 3 grounds in less than 20yrs would spell disaster. If we moved in with Vics at least we’d have a good stadium and plenty of money in the bank.LOOK TO THE FUTURE FOR HEAVENS SAKE,IF YOU WANT WAFC TO PROGRESS THEN WE HAVE TO LET VICS STAY AND ONE DAY THE FAVOUR WILL BE RETURNED.

I agree with senior wittoner, we need to look at the long term situation and in any event Vics would somehow escape, probably playing the next few games out of town if we chucked them out of WP. We might aswell take the dosh and then serously look at our future before Vics new stadium is finished. The two boards need to talk about one ground!!!

Said it before we shouldn’t have let them play at WP this long, we are now one or the creditors, they are in administration we could get 20p in the pound in money owed. They can’t run to another club to groundshare out of town. 2 years is the conference league rule which they have already broken and they did inquire to other clubs when they sold the drill field and witton were by far the cheapest option less than half what others were asking by all accounts. As prevously stated look at the big picture a conference club on the door step or a unibond div 1 as per Telford. Told my feelings to The Chairman at the sportsmans evening he just smiled so don’t know what he meant if anything by that

I may have got it wrong so don’t quote me on this but I thought they had altered the rules now for football clubs entering administration so that football creditors were still to be paid in full. this would also explain why their players’ contracts haven’t been cancelled. Presuming we are a football creditor (pretty sure of that!) we’ll get our money.<br><br>Also I’d have the faith in the board not to let them run up a tab as such, surely the original agreement about payment will still be in place, especially now they are further up hit creek.<br><br>As for Senior witton fan etc I think you’ve been listening to Stoney and co a tad too much!

I think you’ll find that we don’t owe any football club money inc witton hence we can still sign players etc. My understanding is that Vics have paid witton on a game by game basis so don’t panic chaps your money is safe.

My understanding is that the players are classed as assets to the club whilst on the contract and therefore could be sold to make money for the club. As for not owing money i think that needs to be clarified. If you do then we are one of your creditors if not then surely the terms of the ongoing never ending arrangement can again be talked about.

WAFC Utd, Guest, Senior Wittoner and Wittonfan - if you are going to reply to your own posts to give them credibilty, at least do it from different computers so that your IP addresses aren’t the same!!!

Lock all the doors and gates and do not let Northwich into Wincham Park tonight unless we have full settlement of all depts including the fee for tonights game against Accrington.<br><br>It it comes to light at a latter date that Witton are owed money from Vics and they cannot settle the debt and we have continued to let them play at wincham park then all the hard work the board and witton have put into the club over the last few years may have been for nothing [smiley=nono.gif]

Debbie<br><br>I would take a closer look at those IP addresses


I would take a closer look at those IP addresses [/quote]<br><br>Yup.<br><br>And… they’re still the same. Clearly not in full agreement with your post since you haven’t put your name to it.

Here’s a good one I was told today, Mr Connett is in the process of or has already sold his buisness in Manchester ready to move it to Northwich after aquiring several acres of land, read into that what you will.