Witton player lookalikes

Ok i really am bored but lets start the ball rolling… Gibbo AKA Minty from Eastenders. Stevie Conners AKA David Hasslehoff. Adam Farley (apart from an extra in holby city in his sick bed) the old guy from steptoe and son. <br><br>Anymore for anymore?

i think john stannard looks like desperate dan and brian pritchard looks a bit like john merrick(elephant man)!!!

Is that you Adam Fars?

he he!!!

John Stannard aka Steve Penk?[smiley=the_finger.gif]


Gibbo looks like a mate of ours Jeff Day but he isn’t famous. Simon Hughes looks a bit like Claudio Reyna! :-X

I think Yozzer looks more like Francis Benali!!<br><br>

I think:<br><br>Pritch & Furnival look like Laurel & Hardy you choose which way round!<br><br>John Stannard looks like Peter Crouch<br><br>Also Who do the fans look like?<br><br>Simmo = Mandy Dingle<br>Andy Lomas = Bruce Forsyth<br>Akie = Gareth Keenan out of The Office<br>Yoxall = Peter Pervis

oi pritchard why arent you [smiley=ranting.gif]

at work.

Because i have been all day today? Furnival has got to be Rod Stewart. Brabs is a young Des Heesom! Mike Moss has a touch of a youthful Mr Owen about him and Jordan King is Becks. Adam Foy looks like he has just been caught at customs trying to get into the country!

i was only joking about the john merrick,your defo lee carsley.

Fars this could be the way forward for our team to talk…pitch tinternet! Imagine 11 laptops, 11 players talking to each other, we could be the Stephen Hawkins team of non league!

i like the extra in holby shout,im going for a meal now so its been good to communicate with you.c u at training dude.

Yeah see you later mate, i’m off to a gig in Russia so Moscow.

Sadly out of date but Gareth West was very much like Rodney out of fools n Horses.

Si Burton or is it Kirk out of Corrie?

Albion Sports Therapist Shane Hoy is a dead ringer for Alan Hansen

i`m sure i bought a kebab of yozzer on sat night