Witton Reserves Set up for 2005/2006

I have been working on this all afternoon, I hope it helps you the supporters as to how we in the reserves set up, see this season going, as we have a support team that works along side Jim Vince, Well here goes<br><br>I know Jim does rate quite a few players, as previous message both Mike Cartner and Andy Parkinson have pushed they way into the first team managers plans. This straight away justifies the reserves existence but I know Jim will not leave it there. He has brought both players to the club along with other players that he rates and has given them an twelve month window of opportunity to develop there game to possibly playing consistently in the Uni-Bond league. <br><br>Some players to watch out for are keeper Jamie Mottershead who is a great understudy to JK, Brett Walker (keeper) who I know Jim raves about, he is eighteen today and the best goalkeeping prospect Jim has had, the lad is 6ft 4ins tall with fantastic ability. Matty Jones right back who was on the fringes of the first team last year, Chris Jump (defender), Chris" Sniffer" Phieffer (forward), Leon Williams ( forward), Rick Bailey (midfield) who have all been involved with the first team during pre-season. <br>There are others players as well who have good ability and if they are willing to put awareness into there game they could develop into first team players. <br>Two young players have been selected to play for Cheshire County under 18`s, this is a fantastic achievement and one the club should be very proud of, Lewis Brownhill and Iain Bailey who are also part of the reserve and youth team squads. <br><br>Overall I believe it will be a difficult year for the reserves with lack of continuity with players either moving to support the first team or playing for the youth team so don?t expect the team to develop as a team. <br>Individually we will have some of the best players in the league but may struggle to win games. I know Jim expects to win every game and he will develop the youngsters accordingly, whatever happens the club wins, with the first team having a pool of the best young players in the area to pick from and a team that sets a terrific example and are a credit to the club. <br><br>The coaching methods that Jim applies are very good and I suggest you come to watch a session one night; <br>I have been very impressed with his style and uniqueness as have the players. This is evident with the amount of youngsters forcing there way into the first team plans.<br><br>Keep coming to the games, the youngsters need your support.<br><br>Sorry it was so long, but I wanted to share with our aims and targets for this coming season<br><br>Thanks for taking the time to read this<br><br>Len [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] <br>

Great to hear such positive news from the club Len. Good luck to all our teams for the forthcoming season.

yes, good luck with all your plans for the future. Its needed as long as the current youth team manager maintains his agenda to promote his son at the expense of many good young players who deserve better!<br>