May I suggest, Eli, that you concentrate on your own forking duties before taking on any sort of forking voyeurism involving other forkers, who will actually be carrying our their own personal forking under strict control of, no doubt, the head forker.
Let’s hope it doesn’t rain too much or else it will be forking hell!
I have provided the ground staff with 4 sets of tarpaulins, are these being utilised to protect the worst affected areas from further rain?
andy them sheets are only good for frost protection, if you used them on the wet areas the water only runs off the side and then makes another wet area. there were two and a half men trying to put one down this morning, good on them for trying, but in the wind even a bobby ;D couldnt hold it down.
so being used to keep the carpard dry, to stop people from moaning.
I know you can’t move them round easily BUT when they were provided Sprucey and Mark Heald were going to modify the sheets so they can be towed off and on the field by the tractor.
Its got to be better to keep the water off in the 1st place than have to fork it off later.
if you used them on the wet areas the water only runs off the side and then makes another wet area[/quote]
Surely some areas of the pitch are worse than others (which is why there are parts of the pitch currently covered by sand). Would it not make sense to try and cover these ‘problem’ areas, as other areas may be able to stand the extra water? Obviously don’t know all the ins and outs, or the size of the sheets, but i would expect there are some areas of the pitch harder hit by rain than others?
My honest opinion is that if we get any more rain then the pitch will be proper forked
i agree with that statement 100%
reading this thread it seems like witton have got 8 forkers ranging from lazy forkers to moaning forkers, so we need another 3 forkers to make a team. we could call it the witton forkers or? the know all forkers, any sugestions. : : :
According to the Leek forum its off already! someone said they called the ground and was told its off, I would suspect that not being allowed to call it off until the morning he was told it is extremly unlikely to be on