witton v ashton

witton 2 ashton 0 half time score from bbc vidiprinter. [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=banane.gif]

witton 5 ashton 1<br>great result keep up the good work

Well that was ok wasn’t it, not the best performance I’ve ever seen but certainly done enough and comfortable against a determined Ashton side. Lets keep this going and establish ourselves in the top 5 now.<br><br>AS unibond site ppears to be down here’s a link to an updated table:<br><br>http://www.livescores.co.uk/index.jsp?comp=14&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Roll on Saturday - lets hope for a better gate though.

Funny game really, sounds crazy saying this after winning 5-1 but I don’t think we really got out of second gear tonight but hey who cares. My first look at the new centre forward and I think we had signed a cracker plus peers and whalley taking players on who knows how high we can climb. I have to say I think we missed Pritch tonight.

Great Result tonight, some of the wing play, movement going forward and link up play was absolutely outstanding, Peers and Whalley were awesome and terrorised their defenders. The new centre forward looks to be very useful.<br><br>Final word, just hope Mark Jones makes a speedy recovery from his injury, it looked like a bad one.<br>

<br>Well said Andy. What about a collection at the game on Saturday for Mark. It won’t make him recover any quicker, but at least it shows the supporters are thinking about him.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

The way results have gone since I have been unable to make games I am beginning to think I am a Jonah and should stay away and not risk breaking the winning sequence!! Seriously, it is a great sight seeing us so close to the top of the league, well done Jim Vince for "picking" the players up after that disatrous 0-3 home defeat.<br>WHS

Was that the disasterous 3-0 defeat when we actually scored against Kendal?<br>No wonder people don’t take you seriously! :wink:

Excellent result and all the goals were well taken. I don’t think that Ashton were particularly a bad side especially attacking wise but defensively, it was easy to see why they have leaked so many goals already.<br><br>However, some of our attacking play at times would’ve given most teams a problem.<br><br>Have heard today that Mark Jones injury may not be as bad as we had all first feared, but was still a sad sight for all albion supporters.

Considering the number of "typo’s" in many of the comments on this web site I would have thought you would forgive mine, but no, Neil has to have a go at me yet again. As for being taken seriously, I make no comment. It is this type of personal attack that makes me consider staying away from the Club for good. if it has this kind of so-called supporter.<br>WHS.

WHS, the smiley at the end of Neil’s post shows that it was meant reasonably tongue in cheek. I’m sure he didn’t intend to offend. Let’s not fall out with each other.

This is what happens when Neil gets on the babysham, he gets abusive. Stick to double-brandies Neil, you are much more passive after a few of those!!

I’ve had a lot worse things said about me on here! (even after my lucozade at Grantham!)<br><br>Needless to say I actually checked we did score before posting as I wasn’t 100% sure!<br>flippin heck!

Come on WHS and Neil, save our anger for them across the canal we need all the Wittoners we can muster to stick together, also heard that Mark jones is much better than 1st feared eg only a bad twist/sprain which is bad enough, but on the bad side alex brown has got a broken bone in his foot ? anybody confirm this or give us an update, if this is true we are really going to be struggling in centre mid for a few weeks at least, not sure who can fit in with connors ? maybe adam foy if he is fit ? time for jim to magic up a loan plyer again ?

jim has managed to get adam warlow for another month though.

Alex brown has broken a small bone in his foot and will be out for about 3-4 weeks.

any chance of getting Rob Lloyd again? he hasn’t featured yet this season for Crewe