Witton v Blyth Spartans

Witton 2 Blyth Spartans 2<br><br>Allow me to be the first to say that this is definitely two points dropped.<br><br>Another last minute goal conceded, and pretty much the same position as the goal conceded against Bamber.<br><br>I’m still a little stunned as to where the blame might lie. The referee did have a reasonable game until giving them the free-kick which resulted in the goal.<br><br>The boys ran and ran all evening and some of our attacking play was what we have come to expect, MM caused chaos and I thought that Lee Spike had a particularly good second half. My man of the match though would have been Adam Foy, for some great runs and link up play.<br><br>On a night that a win was the only result we needed, it would appear that our play-off dream has ended.<br><br>Or has it?<br><br>Come on the Albion!!!

I am too pissed off to right what I am thinking now. 2 points dropped against a woeful side. Another year gone by the looks of things.

yet another last minute opposition goal. perhaps we should<br> " another on bites the dust"<br> as our theme song next season.<br> god! I feel frustrated,cross,angry and sorry for rest of the fans. :cry:

Your expression on the way out just about summed it up Doc. disappointing, comfortably did enough to win it but couldnt hold on.<br><br>Analysising it further we blew it back in Oct/Nov/Dec IMO or even at home to Burscough (how big would that game have been if we’d played it in the last month?). we are now 12 unbeaten which is an excellent run but we have probably left ourselves too much to do now, but hey miracles happen. <br><br>Fish, chips and curry sauce at Whitby it is then!

I think the fault lies in tactics - 3 in midfield working hard always tire - lallys nots the fittest player ive seen, so why not close the game down when in a winning position revert to 4-4-2 and defend deeper! 3 strikers do very little late on to defend didnt everyone see a late goal for blyth coming ? still we are much better team than under JD and the mgr obviously has good contacts- so dissapointed but things are looking better.

Have to agree with Col I’m afraid. We cannot expect players at our standard to play attractive football for 90mins at the pace we started off.<br><br>The midfield withered during the 2nd half, but again missed chances cost us so dearly.<br><br>Moseley and Foy worked their proverbials off but the tactics of persevering 4-3-3 meant that the other midfield and forward players were found wanting.<br><br>Theres always next year!!! And a Summer for GF to mould a squad/team to his own liking.<br><br><br>

Thought he did revert to 4-4-2 when he subsituted Byrne for stannard?? I think we were unlucky again last night the save the keeper made against Spike was unbelievable, whether he knew anything about it is another matter. The only moan I will make (well I am a Witton fan) is I thought it was a mistake reverting to the taking the ball into the corner every time we attacked 10 mins from the end, we were well on top and I could see us wrapping the game up if we would have carried on playing our normal game.

On the back of 'disappointed’s comments, if all goes accordingly and GF is the manager for our next campaign (and I hope he is, because the results since the new management team took over have taken a turn for the better), are we going to see a different set of players next year.<br><br>In other words is GF planning a clear out, or can we expect to see the same personnel next season?<br><br>Which players should he keep and which players are on borrowed time?<br><br>

Yet another game where we fail to finish the opposition off when we had the chances to do so.<br><br>Too many occasions when we couldnt turn one point into three and its proved costly yet again.<br><br>On a personal note, Blyth’s late equaliser did benefit one person as yours truly picked up the last goal of the night. However, you will be pleased to know that the prize will be donated back to the club.