Witton v Farsley

0-0 half time.

Witton Albion 0-1 Farsley Celtic :frowning:

1 word ‘cheated’<br><br>2 more words ‘scumbag referee’

I do feel sorry for you guys, but i didn’t hear the referee blow I just saw the flag. The Referee was appauling he was picky on the little things but did nothing about the more violent and synicle parts of the game. One thing I have to point out is how didnt we get that penalty ??<br><br>And good luck in your promotion charge and in your game on Wednesday …

Today I have witnessed, ehrr how do I put it ?<br>May be in chronilogical order<br>Pritch should have been booked after 10 seconds for a very bad foul, 10.1 seconds the Farsley Manager ? should have been sent to the stands after a torrent of abusive language which was filthier and more aggressive as I heard in thirty years as a policeman.<br><br>I was then absolutely appalled then by a Farsley game plan, of cynical late challenges throughout the game,<br>in the second half ?a "person" in the whitish hat in the Farsley thug- out, ?I assume the person was either a sub or day patient leapt out and "struck " Steve Connors.<br>The winning goal ? came after the referee blew his whistle for offside after the 15 year old assistant referee had flagged for offside.<br>A little bullying by the big boys resulting in the ref having a nice conversation with the youngster and decided to give a goal, ok the ball wasnt in play when it crossed the line , so what, the goal stands. I have never, ever seen such a decision in any level of football,<br>The ref then started to award Witton as many decisions as humanly possible, some may say to make ammends but the damage was done.<br>I could go on but whats the point, I hope Farsley get promoted because I do not wish to see the likes of them ever again. I am assure their large away following will be appreciated in Conference North, and as for this so called Fifa offside rule who the F@@k made that up. [smiley=ranting.gif] [smiley=ranting.gif] [smiley=ranting.gif] <br><br>

There was no goal. The whistle had been blown, a couple of seconds later the ball went in the net. Play was dead.<br><br>There can be no other decision other than to replay the game, this time under the rules of association football. What happened today was unprecedented in all my years of playing and watching the game, and in the experience of everyone I have spoken to.<br><br>The ‘man’ who was supposedly in charge of the game should never be allowed to associate with any organised sporting activity ever again. I wonder why he didn’t appear after the game. Why did the assessor spend so much time in the Officials’ room after the game? What was said in there?<br><br>There must be no cover up!

[quote]Urm, no. ?The referee apparently decided to move Witton’s free-kick for offside 40 yards up the pitch to the centre spot, after the reacton of the Farsley players to the offside flag.

As I said before, no goal was scored by either team. ?The referee just recorded one randomly. ?Am writing to the Unibond League now to suggest that they look into it. ?Seriously.

I mean, this situation’s unprecedented. ?There’s people there today that have been watching the game for 60-70 years and have never seen an official pull a stunt like that.

In the interests of sportsmanship, and bearing in mind how this could potentially affect final league positions, the game must either be recorded as 0-0, or replayed.[/quote]<br><br><br>mate, i think your over exaggerating. And how do you know if the ref blew the whistle because i didn’t here it…

[quote]Trust me, the vast majority of the stadium heard it. ?Including the Referee Assessor in the stand.

We put up with officials making "mistakes" week in week out, but they are usually subjective - e.g. if the ref doesn’t see handball in the box, he can’t give a penalty, even though he should have.

This is totally different - the ref has made up a goal that didn’t exist. ?The ball being out of play is clear cut - the ref blew the whistle, which stopped play.

And we’ll see if I’m over-exaggerating when we see if it comes down to us needing that point to get into the play-offs.

Personally, I think the easiest solution would be to change the result to 0-0. ?Sure, Farsley might have pushed a bit harder for the last 15 minutes, but that wouldn’t necessarily have changed the game. ?However you look at it, no goals were scored, so for it to be recorded as 1-0 is farsical.

I’m not having a dig at all at Farsley - IMHO I think a draw would probably have been a fair result, and I’d expect most would agree. ?I just can’t stand back and see something so blatantly wrong go untouched. ?If we don’t challenge these things, what’s to stop them from happening again in the future?[/quote]<br><br>I understand you, the referee made a school boys error, but it was a goal and he wasn’t offside.<br>

How can it be a Goal ? who blew the whistle??<br><br>I have never been as fed up with stupid officials in my life, my deaf dad sat at home ten miles away heard the whistle, the ball was dead end of!! you can not count a goal that goes over the line after the whistle has been blown its a complete farce it really is, as for whoever threw whatever at the blind liner, ??? you wont do us any favors but I know how you feel >:(

Well what can I add to the above?<br><br>You didn’t hear the whistle? We were about 100 yards away and heard it clearly - I take it you were yawning at the time. I would watching tactics like that each week.<br><br>That fella in the dugout did swing a punch as was confirmed by someone from the press box - couldnt have had a much better view than that - well done officials yet again. That kind of thing does happen though and is usually dealt with by a semi competant official - not this imbessile.<br><br>However, never have I know a game be "awarded" to a team in such a manner. Never have I know a goal be "given" so obviously to a team. There were no ifs, no buts, no maybes, he gave a goal when the ball was dead. I’ve seen players yellow carded for kicking a ball into a net when a liner has flagged and a whistle been blown!<br><br>You play to the whistle, you are taght that as a kid and hear it screamed countless times when players stand appealing - we did just that. The referee made his decison when he blew his whistle - AFTER he saw the linesmans flag and BEFORE the ball went in the net and BEFORE Brett put a half hearted hand up to save a dead ball. He was then bullied out of the decision.<br><br>Indeed no one I spoke to had ever seen anything and they’ve been watching a longer time than me! It goes against all the rules of the game and any form of common sense. <br><br>The pratt deserves everything he gets and hopefully will not be allowed to ever referee a game again, and I hope he doesnt get a wink tonight after a display like that. If I made such a cock up in my job which could cost so much when the rules are written down there in front of me and I’d been taught them I’d hate to think what would happen to me. Yes referees are human, yes they make mistakes but not like this they don’t.<br><br>Finally heads up lads - we could meet them in the play offs yet and have the last laugh - they didn’t deserve that half as much as we deserved our 3-0 victory there in August.

One point the guy who ‘swung the punch’ reacted after your pleayer stamped on our player which i could see clearly because it happened right in fron of me.<br><br>I also must comment on some of the shocking behavior of your fans, i know you were annoyed so would i but it happens, but try to tone the abuse down next time.

I didnt see the stamp like I didnt see the punch myself - the referee was wrong on 2 accounts then wasnt he!<br><br>As for the abuse - see me’s post above!

One point the guy who ‘swung the punch’ reacted after your pleayer stamped on our player which i could see clearly because it happened right in fron of me. <br> <br>So its Ok then for some prat in the Dugout to react in such a manner then. Oh well thats fine I must start teaching my 9 year old to play in such a way! :-/

did i say it was tolerable ??? no ! so if you want to teach your son that go ahead, he will just end up like your coin thrower !!

And I thought I’d seen already this season a match official completely lose the plot when he made us all wait around 45 minutes whilst Bradford PA decided whether they’d like to continue the match!!!<br><br>But NO the one yesterday truly surpassed him!!!<br><br>I really do hope that the one point we may have ended up with doesn’t prove to cost us. Ironic ain’t it as it was the matches we lost against Farsley in the 99/00 season cost us promotion back then!!

Have to agree with everything that was siad above apart from the Farsley fan, but he is allowed an opinion. <br><br>Something has to be done about it. But I ask will it. I cant see the result being over turned not a chance. Our word against theirs it will be covered up and forgotten about by the league. <br><br>What that man did on saturday was a joke a very sick joke. And it started in the first 10 mins when Farsley’s lovely number 4 (I think), swung a punch at Connors while he was on the floor. Again he did nothing and allowed the game to get out of control and therefore nasty fouls and punches go unpunished. <br><br>Would love to know what Pritch said to him, during the game and after.

Once the referee has blown his whistle to stop play,play can not re commence until he/she signals for the re start.<br><br> ?The reply above I received today from the Referees Association.<br> This confirms that the goal should not have stood AFTER the ref ( I use the term loosely ) blew his whistle. I am still awaiting a reply from the Cheshire FA<br><br> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?John

As no official comment from a Witton Albion official has yet been posted can I ask -<br><br> Have, or are, the club taking any steps to question the validity of the outcome of what appears clearly to be a case for having the result / match reviewed?

[quote]Well what can I add to the above?

You didn’t hear the whistle? We were about 100 yards away and heard it clearly - I take it you were yawning at the time. I would watching tactics like that each week.

That fella in the dugout did swing a punch as was confirmed by someone from the press box - couldnt have had a much better view than that - well done officials yet again. ?That kind of thing does happen though and is usually dealt with by a semi competant official - not this imbessile.

However, never have I know a game be "awarded" to a team in such a manner. Never have I know a goal be "given" so obviously to a team. There were no ifs, no buts, no maybes, he gave a goal when the ball was dead. ?I’ve seen players yellow carded for kicking a ball into a net when a liner has flagged and a whistle been blown!

You play to the whistle, you are taght that as a kid and hear it screamed countless times when players stand appealing - we did just that. The referee made his decison when he blew his whistle - AFTER he saw the linesmans flag and BEFORE the ball went in the net and BEFORE Brett put a half hearted hand up to save a dead ball. He was then bullied out of the decision.

Indeed no one I spoke to had ever seen anything and they’ve been watching a longer time than me! It goes against all the rules of the game and any form of common sense. ?

The pratt deserves everything he gets and hopefully will not be allowed to ever referee a game again, and I hope he doesnt get a wink tonight after a display like that. If I made such a cock up in my job which could cost so much when the rules are written down there in front of me and I’d been taught them I’d hate to think what would happen to me. Yes referees are human, yes they make mistakes but not like this they don’t.

Finally heads up lads - we could meet them in the play offs yet and have the last laugh - they didn’t deserve that half as much as we deserved our 3-0 victory there in August.[/quote]<br><br>The ball can be kicked if a liner has flagged without being yellow carded, this is called ‘advantage’. However I do agree that if the ref blows his whistle the ball is dead. I was behind the goal, where the ball crossed the line. I heard a whistle but could not determine if it was to give the goal or to give offside. My initial reaction was the ball went straight in therefore nobody could be offside. Nobody challenged the keeper, therefore the decision the linesman / boy was correct. The person in question was the referee for being indecisve all game. He had a shocker!! I have got to say that the liner got it right in the rules of the game, and got a ?2 tip from the witton fans for his troubles (tongue in cheek). I was appauled that fans at this level have resorted to throwing things at officials, no matter how bad they are. Even the announcement on the tannoy denounced this. Poor game, poorer ref, but a linesman that didn’t bottle the decision. Isn’t football a cruel game. Witton are a strong side and I’m sure they can bounce back from this with the help of their fans.<br>

The whistle can not have been blown to signal a ‘goal’, as the ball did not cross the line until 2 to 3 seconds later!!<br><br>Previously, whenever in any game at any time anywhere in the world a referee has been criticised, all that has to be said is that in his opinion the referee gave what he saw, regardless of whether he was right or wrong. With this incident, it is immaterial whether players were in an offside position, it is immaterial whether anyone was interfering with play. The opinions of the players, the referee, the linesman, the managers, the fans, don’t count for anything as they have no relevance to the matter, The simple fact is the referee had blown his whistle, play had stopped and the ball was dead. The laws of physics saw to it that a couple of seconds later the ball ended up in the net. The ball could just have easily have ended up on the terraces, over the fence, or being caught by an Albion defender, who cares? The ball was dead! The post above states that nobody challenged the keeper. That is quite correct; the players had stopped because the whistle had gone!<br><br>What happened in this match seems without precedent in the game. In my opinion, the FA (or maybe FIFA) must step in and make a decision, and the decision has to be that the match is replayed. The result, decided by the referee, has repercussions beyond just Witton and Farsley, it also affects several other teams in the play-off positions.<br><br>Imagine a cricket match where play has stopped for drinks, the bowler picks up the ball and bowls a delivery which knocks down the unguarded stumps and the umpire informs the batsman that he is out! Imagine an American Football game where one team calls time out, the others pick up the ball and run unchallenged to the touchdown area and the points are awarded. Total flights of fantasy, yet the equivalent happened at Wincham Park on Monday.