Witton v Marine

Any news on the game anyone?

Lost 2-0. <br><br>What is going on. <br><br>Where have the players gone. I know some are injured, but we are playing like we dont have a clue anymore. I cant believe that 2 players in Maynard and Lloyd had that say in every game they played in. At the last game I watched there was only one player to stand out and that was Connors, Pritch wasnt playing well and Mossley looks knackered again. The rest need a massive kick up the backside and told grow up and start trying. <br><br>Answers please before its another season wasted.

Pretty good performance I thought tonight.<br><br>I expect Kennedy, G. Jones and McGuire also had a say in some of the games.<br><br>Havent got time to say much but we’re due a win with effort and performances like that and Saturday.<br>Any chance of a game passing without one or 2 injuries EVERY game! :-/

Bry<br>I disagree with your views on last nights game. The team played very well and considering we were playing one of the leagues better teams, we made them look very ordinary. The first half performance was the best I`ve see for quite some time, the quality of football was excellent. There is a fine line between winning and losing at this standard, that was relevant in the first half, totally dominanted from start to finish but conceded a goal from a set play. I do agree that certain players are not performing to their usual standards but collectively every player played for the team and we should take heart from that. You stated "The rest need a massive kick up the backside and told grow up and start trying", I respect your opinions but I think you are way off the mark. There is only one player I would swop with Marine and thats their keeper, who by the way was named man of the match and in my opinion was the reason we were beaten. Keep the faith

i think some fans are watchin through blinkered goggles. I can recall marine attacking once in the first half and scoring from a set peice which was very well executed. I also recall witton having great chances and a close call when a ball was cleared off the line !!!. <br>Second half was more even and a few chances where wasted at both ends, a last gasp goal by marine when we where chasing the equaliser.<br>so in a nut shell they score in the 45th and 90th minuites inbetween we play decent football in patches and their keeper had an inspired match and was named MOM.<br>One or two players looked a little tired late in game but their commitment was ok. Lets hope Jim works on a few things in training on Thursday and gets the forward confidence up. If marine are one of the top clubs then we will be ok i am sure.<br>

Bry<br><br>another one to disagree with you, we did play very well last night, and marine robbed the points much as described, we are due to get liam maguire back soon and the keeper is back saturday so things are looking better, once dave and mike start scoring ( and they are both proven strikers ) it will be back to normal and we will be challenging again, might be to late for this season i dont know but it will get right.

Havn’t been at the games for a little bit due to being down south at uni. So can’t really comment on any of the recent performences. <br>But I think we have to accept that the play offs are dead now we just havn’t got the finances to go out and get 2 or 3 quality playersto ?push us on. Thats not being negative, that’s unfortunatley the way it is at the moment. <br>I would like to see us totally slash the wage bill this year, clear out all the fringe players that are not required and keep the main nucleus of the squad together i.e Pritch, Connors, Maguire, Moseley. Play the reserves for the rest of the season and try and have a little more to spend next season. Because an extra ?150 a week could be the difference in getting a quality player such as Rob Lloyd. <br>I know it’s not totally as simple as that but I think the major thing holding the team back at the moment is the lack of money Jimmy Vince has to play with, which is know one’s fault by the way. <br>I really hope also that no one gets on Jimmy Vince’s back about performances because I really think we have a manager who can take us far and should be given 2 or 3 seasons to see what he can build. <br>Lets keep the faith and not worry if things don’t work straight away and also not have unrealistic expectations of what we can achieve straight away!!

Rob Lloyd was on the bench for Crewes first team a couple of weeks ago and i think it is highly unlikely we will se him again here as he is a very good player who will be playing for a long time at a higher level than here. Its a difficult situation. If we are being honest since Christmas we have on the whole performed poorly. Last nights defeat is 2pts from 21pts. Its simply not good enough and all the players realise that. Yes there are reasons for that such as players coming and going, dips in individuals form and injuries and suspensions all of which have come at the same time for us. Against Guiseley we showed signs of recoverary and for all of you present last night you would have seen a performance that matched any of our pre christmas form. Read the Marine fans views in their forum concerning last nights match if you want to see their realistic view of last night. If we had played half as well as we did last night against Prescot, Leek and Ossett we would be still sitting in a strong play off position instead of bobbing about outside it. There is no reason to suggest that we can’t reach the level of performance and consistency for the rest of the season. We have already proved we can reach them levels. All i will ask and bearing in mind a lot of the playing staff read this, is DO WE WANT IT BAD ENOUGH?

i agree with Nick Lyon above that we do have a great manager and i think that the attitude he has is great for Witton. I am sure that it will only be a short matter of time before the results start going our way and even if we dont reach the play-offs we will have good foundations for next season.

what was the team against marine? Also nicky maynard has been given a contract extension that runs until the yeay 2009. With crewes imminent relegation i wouldnt be surprised to see him playing first team football next season.


Would just like to apologise if I have offended anyone with my rash words. I wasnt thinking straight and fented some frustrations when I should have been supporting instead. <br><br>Sorry again

dont worry bry i know how u feel sometime it is frustrating after watchin a match and not feeling like all the players are giving their all and also considering what a great position we were in over christmas and new year but i definately that Jm Vince is right for the club and im sure things can only get better from here, fingers crossed.

As there seems to be quite a delay in getting this onto the main site here’s what I wrote. Hope it meets with everyone’s approval!!!<br><br> <br><br>Tuesday February 21st Witton Albion 0 Marine 2 att 196<br><br>Team: Paxton; Hockenhull, Pritchard, Spearitt, Ness (McNutt 71); Peers (Hurst 83), Bowler, Connors, Brownhill; Moseley (Williams 65) & Whittaker. <br><br>MOM Peers, constant threat. n/b Moseley Team Rating 4 Match Rating 4<br><br><br>There?s an oft used adage of ?at least Dick Turpin wore a mask? and this could certainly be applied to the smash and grab that Marine inflicted in this match. Witton at last got back to the attacking form that we came to see around Christmas and were virtually camped in or around the visitors? penalty area for all the first half and a significant part of the second period. Unfortunately they were constantly thwarted by Marine?s well disciplined defence ? that stretched to up to ten players at times! - and a goalkeeper in Andy Ralph who really should be playing at a higher level of football.<br><br>The first clear chance of the match fell to Mike Moseley who, having worked himself a good opening, produced an uncharacteristically poor shot. Midway through the half a five minute spell of total Albion pressure saw them gain five corners, have a goal correctly chalked off, see Ian Latham desperately clearing a vicious Steve Connors strike off the goal-line and Ralph producing two excellent saves to deny Mark Peers.<br><br>After Ralph had again saved well from another 20 yard Connors shot it was then Neil Murphy?s turn to head off the line following yet another sweet move. Brian Pritchard was next to be denied when his 18 yard shot was deflected for a corner five minutes before the interval. A single minute was added on to the half, brought about ironically by James Connolly?s crude tackle on Moseley that not only hampered the striker until he was forced to leave the action later on, but even worse found Marine time to actually produce an attack down the left. Lee Mulvaney was brought down on the edge of the box, Danny Byrne floated the resultant free kick in and Nicky Young reacted quickest to head the ball past Andy Paxton.<br><br>The second half was more of the same with Witton constantly hitting long, high balls into Marine?s box and the Mariners regularly giving the ball away. A nice interchange between David Whittaker and Moseley should have produced a better finish. Marine?s main threat came from set pieces and on 65 minutes Ian Latham saw his free kick elude Paxton but bounce over the bar. With twenty minutes left it was Tom Spearritt?s turn and he produced a low shot that struck Latham but Ralph was again alert to dive and smother the ball. The keeper saved his best though until the 79th minute when he flung himself backwards to push what looked like it was going to be Whittaker?s first Albion strike over the crossbar. Mike Bowler produced a good run down the middle of the park but struck his shot wide of the target and then three minutes from time Pritchard came forward to get on the end of a Sam McNutt free-kick but could only send his header wide when in perfect position.<br><br>Just like the end of the first-half Marine then made the all important strike. Gary Jensen seized on a poorly misjudged ball from Witton?s right to link with Young who hit a first time shot that Paxton got a hand to but couldn?t prevent the ball crossing the line.<br>