Witton V Tenants

Half time score 0 - 0

Latest Witton 0 Nwich 1

Latest Witton 1 Nwich 1

Final score Witton 1 Nwich 2 last minute goal, quick match report was that the two sides were pretty evenly matched Witton hit the bar and the post with one cleared off the line near the end. On this game Witton could do pretty well in the new premier division while Northwich still have a lot of work to do to improve on last seasons position.

From what I heard and the bits I saw we looked quite impressive considering we were playing ‘Conference’ opposition (Not Conference standard opposition cos’ that would be a lie).<br> I think we are in good stead to push for the playoffs this year and make that ?500 worthawhile eh Chad?<br>.<br>.<br>.<br>.<br>.<br>.<br>.<br>.<br>Maybe not?

Thought we were the better team on the night, had more chances and were unlucky to lose. I couldn’t comment on the supposed goal. I was sitting in the family stand on line with the assistant referee and there is no way he could have called it as there were loads of players in the way. I don’t imagine the referee had a great view either. Whatever the score, we played really well and everything looks good for the season ahead. Thought Yatesy looked very good tonight.

How small minded are you lot?? witton-v-tenants!! all the other match reports have the proper name of the opposition. You will never move on with this mentality and the pathetic comments in the programme about how we will fair this season.Concentrate on yourselves in attempting to gain higher status instead of us- yes we will struggle again, along with the other 8 part-time clubs- but we have a far greater chance of avoiding the drop this season than last. Tell me how would you do in a full-time professional league competing with clubs with 3000+ regulars- i dread to think!!!

Thought witton played well tonight and missed a couple of great chances late on.Vics winning goal was a classic breakaway goal however and we may at last have found in Mark Quayle a forward who is capable of netting regularly - something we sorely missed last season. witton also had a couple of decent players who looked above unibond standard, a word of caution however, Vics had 6 players missing from the starting line-up tonight who will definately be in the starting line-up when the season kicks-off.Ralph,Burke,McCarthy and Roich did’nt play at all and Allen and O’Neill came on during the second half. Not sure whether witton had any out but obviously we expect a better standard when the season starts and we’re at full strength.

To be fair I think JD may still be tinkering with our first team to see who is best. We also have 4 newly signed players who are still trying to gel with the rest of the boys. <br><br> In response to True Slime sludgy colour, I don’t think one small little joke is going to stop us progressing as a club. I think the lack of money to build a ground might though. I don’t know how we would fair but considering Aldershot were a penalty shootout away from the Football League you can’t say that being part-time is holding you back that much.

not just saying this but on the nite i felt witton were the better team, played some very attractive football at times and some last ditch tackles by Came etc and saves prevented a lively strikeforce having the joy they deserved<br><br>didnt realise that vics were missing some players so maybe you will improve enough to do better than last season<br><br>will say that i too was dissappointed with witton fans, not all but a fair few, the fact is tho that they are like that at every game, whine no matter what. Felt the ref had a fairly decent game to be honest, linesman had a few dodgy offside decisions but that comes as expected- so the abuse was totaly out of order in my opinion<br><br>football wise tho the future looks bright for albion, with genuine competition for places in all areas, no pritch or dicken last nite- good players to have in a squad

My first game of the season (I dont like friendlies from a speccies p o v) Extremely impressed with how Witton performed looked very lively going forward, playing football in the right areas of the field and more than matched a team above us in the pyramid.<br>Spoke to a few impartial people at the game and they all suggested there was nothinh between the 2 teams.<br><br>A quick note on the disallowed goal, it wasnt even close a foot over the line from the very good vantage point i had. <br>The linesmen and referee were both poorly placed with neither being able to see across the goalline.<br><br>From a corner you would expect one of the officials to be observing the goal line.<br><br>Still plenty of positives, the only negs being deja vu from last season - goalkeepers kicking and certain defenders getting caught in possession.<br><br>On the limited evidence of last night it should be a good season.

Ive not come on to spin like a politician.&lt;br&gt;Good 2nd half for a pre-season match- Definitely a good idea as a curtain raiser. Burke (?) did some good knock-downs so 2 sign him would be a coup 4u.<br>Was behind the goal so would nt like to comment on the decisions, but all in all I thought the officials were very good for MCFA ones- they`re normally embarrassingly out of their depth.

Thought it was agood game last night and i have to say without being biased Witton were the better team. We looked solid throughout, Andy Barlow and Gary Furnival are forming a good partnership at the back and Nolan and Foy a good one in the middle. Also very impressed with Yates so far on the right hand side. Stannard again caused the opposition problems and i can’t see a way back in for DD or Pritch if the current 11 keep playing the way they done last night and monday night. As for the groundless lot i think they will struggle again this season, not so much in the scoring stakes as they have some good attacking players but defencively they were awful, lets be fair, we should have scored at least 3. woodwork twice one over the line and one off the line, not to mention a clear penalty for a hand ball. If we have a good season and get promoted then i’ll look forward to two local derbies in the conference north!

[quote] To be fair I think JD may still be tinkering with our first team to see who is best. We also have 4 newly signed players who are still trying to gel with the rest of the boys.

In response to True Slime sludgy colour, I don’t think one small little joke is going to stop us progressing as a club. I think the lack of money to build a ground might though. I don’t know how we would fair but considering Aldershot were a penalty shootout away from the Football League you can’t say that being part-time is holding you back that much.[/quote]<br><br><br><br>Was’nt just referring to the little joke, it’s the overall mentality of some of your fans, the abuse towards the referee at the end was disgusting. The sooner you concentrate on yourselves and not trying to slag us down the further you will move on, who are you to comment on us?- we’re 2 leagues apart and apart from 3 years have not been your rivals for 35 yrs. With this caveman insular attitude you will not win any friends- move on and concentrate on yourselves. As for Aldershot, they are a massive club in non-league terms- yes they missed out on promotion by a whisper but they also had the financial clout as a part-time club to do well, average crowds of over 3000,ex football league fan base etc They are now full -time but will do well to emulate last season, no guarantees at Conf level. If you think the current witton would do well in the Conf then you really are dense, the league is nothing like it was when you left 11 yrs ago- you again are showing your ignorance of the football pyramid. One a one off game such as last night you could probably match Conf opposition, week in,week out - no chance!! FA Cup games always prove Conf teams can match league 1,sometimes championship opposition but only as a one off!!<br> Interestingly there was a 5 live programme late last night on the Coca Cola league. Chester’s secretary was talking live, and he said that to take Chester from the brink of the Unibond league(2 yrs ago) to Conference Champions it cost ?3m!!! I’m afaraid that is the kind of money we’re talking about in the Conference league, now you see why we struggle!! witton would fair no better and even if the clubs amalgamated (perish the thought!) we would still struggle. Enuf said, best of luck for the season anyway.

Thank You TG.<br><br>All sentiments I whole heartedly agree with.<br><br>Getting down to the real issues though - who’s ‘pies’ will be sold at the new ‘Vicstadia’?- and is it true that your going to have Weetwood Bitter on ‘tap’ in the Social Club? - or are you [like everyone else] having to sell out and receive the filfthy ‘lucre’ offered by Lord Tetley? <br><br>Cheers. ? <br><br>