Witton v Wakefield predictions

Well done to DS and to Derek who both predicted 2-0 wins against Runcorn and Derek wasn’t many out on the attendance either! So whats Saturday going to bring, another clean sheet? Wakefield beat Matlock last night so looking forward to another exciting game. What do you think the score will be?

3-1 Witton. Scorers Moseley, Jones and Lally.

I was only 3 out witht he gate!<br><br>Anyway:<br>Witton, 3-1 Wakefield<br>Moseley, Byrne, Jones<br>Att: 305

Still coming down on saturday havn’t been for a while but i’ll go for a three nil win a KARL THOMAS HATRICK.

Would’ve expected a few more from Runcorn last night but never mind.<br><br>Prediction: Witton 2 Wakefield & Emley 0.<br>Scorers: Moseley and Jones. Att:315

Jac are you keeping tabs on tese predictions for the season then ;)<br><br>1-0 to the albion Moseley (33 mins) Att 356 (and growing) ;D

4-0 to the Albion but I think the attendance will be slightly down on Tuesday

Albion to win 2-0, lets hope the attendance grows from Tuesday, it will be sad if it is less

A big disappointment on all fronts really but its behind us now, Monday’s another day.<br><br>On a happier note though, Pilkington 1 Witton Reserves 4

Yes, very disappointing. <br>It has been an encouraging start to the season but this result has brought us back down to earth with a bump.<br>To early to say how much of a setback it will be, however, we need a result against Burscough on Monday lest we get left behind by the early pacesetters, North Ferriby and Guiseley,whom,I noticed both won again today.

Very disappointing result, but the gate was an absolute disgrace, 51 down on Tuesday night and the team had won both matches. <br><br>

Disappointing indeed but I’d hadly say we played badly.<br>Wakefield looked well organised and sharp on the break. We need only look 7 days earlier at what we did to a side who are apparently favourites and effectivley won the league last season, it does happen.<br><br>As for the gate, disappointing yes, never expected Wakefield to bring as many as Runcorn did, but I did see a lot of regular faces missing yesterday. (If my work is anything to go by the whole bloody country is on holiday at the moment)<br><br>

Should of won really. much more possesion then them. ben jones showed some good touches with plenty of pace about him. To criticise slightly would be to say that he failed to the simple pass. maybe I’am being harsh as i’ve only seen play once but i do think he will florish as time goes on as will the team. One last thing i will say though two years away is it was good to be back!