Witton v Warrington Town

How come nobody has bothered making a comment or posting any type of match report after a 4-0 win, regardless of the opposition or the type of competition ?? ???<br><br>Im sure if the score was the reverse people would be on here at 10.30pm last night. Everyone needs to start being consistent with their views on this site. Win, lose or draw, either comment on games, or dont bother is my opinion.<br><br>This forum at the best of times is mostly negative, so why dont we try and put that right, and lets start being optimistic and thinking the glass is half full ! <br><br>Come on the Albion [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

hard to moan about a 4-0 & congratulating would be too difficult. >:(

Totelly agree…4-0 win is great…but the oppo were sunday league standered…I No we can only beat the team out there, up against us…but we still looked sloppy in places…Bring on Whitby Town… ;D