Witton vs Prescot

1-0 to Witton at half time, according to Sky. Pritchard on 13 mins.

2-1 Witton.

MacPhearson on debut 20 seconds into second half.

Prescot from the spot.

Come on the Albion![br][size=1]Posted on: October 09, 2007, 09:03:29 PM[/size][hr]3-1.

Proffitt.[br][size=1]Posted on: October 09, 2007, 09:11:05 PM[/size][hr]4-1.

Rob Lloyd.[br][size=1]Posted on: October 09, 2007, 09:14:08 PM[/size][hr]5-1.

Doryll Proffitt’s second.[br][size=1]Posted on: October 09, 2007, 09:17:20 PM[/size][hr]6-1.

Ian Kearney.

Final score: Witton Albion 6-1 Prescot Cables.

Still top of the league and looking good by the sound of it.

A strong attendence of 362 as well.

Could this night have been any better?[br][size=1]Posted on: October 09, 2007, 10:02:50 PM[/size][hr]Yes it could.

Have just seen that Vics lost 4-1 at Forest Green.

We now have the best goal difference in the league, and from 11 games have only conceded 4.

No wonder JK won the "Safe Hands" award.

brill result. more of the same in future. ;D
my man of the match has to be the dossler

Another fantastic result - that’ll teach em to beat us in the cup. Well done lads!

What a fantastic game it was in the second half, it could have been better within the first half, but we compensated for that un the second. Well done to all the lads a well earned revenge result!!

Some good displays all around the pitch, Prescot must be shaking their heads in disbelief about the size of the defeat because I believe they were the better side in the first half but may be the Cables "bogey" has finaly been put to rest, for me man of the match was Rob Lloyd

Man of the match Rob Lloyd by a distance!

His measured cross for The Dozzler’s 1st (which made it 3-1 and effectively put the game beyond Prescot). Our 4th goal which he scored was sublime, the turn was world class and left foot inch perfect shot (from a right footed player) showed his quality. The ball played through for The Dozzler’s 2nd was again inch perfect.

A very good debut from MacPherson also. The work he put in allowed Lloydy to come forward more than usual and this really showed in the second half.

Thought that Coo too had a good game!!! Switching between right back and left back he dealt with most things he needed to. Pritch was his usual dependable self and Barras was solid. Tought Tom was getting a caught out a few times at left back (not his best position) hence Jim switching Cav over and in the end bringing Liam on.

Adam’s workrate was second to none. In the second half he could and perhaps should have had 2 goals. You can’t help but feel for him at the moment, he can’t buy a goal right now. That said his performance was excellent and he troubled the Prescot defence all night. If anything he has to stop trying as hard and relax, the goals will come and I have no doubt in that. I have said before it may be the 15 or 20 he scores after Christmas that win this league. He is going to get 4 or 5 in one game, he just needs a few to hit the net.

Crowe, sorry but on all the evidence to date he is the worst of all the signings we have made the season and that is a real shock to many people. Perhaps why he has slid down the leagues during his career so quickly. He wins very few balls in the air, is two yards off everything on the ground and is offside in some stupid positions. He had the cheek to have a go at Brodie tonight (who is another with a great workrate) when he timed his run badly and got caught offside! I would play him in the reserves for a week or two or better still loan him to anyone that wants him! He makes far more effort at knocking back Magners than he does on the pitch!

The Dozzler, a great performance when he came on. Two good finishes and frankly he did not play a bad ball in the time he was on the pitch. Good running off the ball and confident football. He still has a point to prove but that was the way to prove it. He must start ahead of Crowe at Leek (given Thornley’s absence on his jollys with England)!

Excellent 2nd half and a commanding win come full time, well done to Jim, Nige and the lads.

Absolutely great result! Exactly what the doctor ordered after the long break we had! Great attendance aswell! Well done boys keep it up! Come on Witton!

An excellent second half performance, particularly after Dorrell Proffitt came on. We looked so much better when we got the ball forward quickly, and there were some quality goals. I thought Prescot, going forward, were the best visiting team I’ve seen at Wincham Park this season, and Jon Kennedy had to be alert on several occasions, however we could easily have scored several more goals. I agree with Rob Lloyd as MoM, his was a virtuoso performance.

Great position to be in so early in the season, we just have to keep the momentum going.

Agree with rabbits run down, hate to be negative after a result like that but Crowe needs to consentrate on his own game instead of moaning at everyone all the time, On the plus Rob Lloyd is back to his best, maybe having Macca along side helped but he was excellent tonight, I hope they got his goal on tape it was fantastic!

Heard it was 1-0 by text at 8.02pm from D at the match. Replied saying I hope we could hang on and not blow it.

On tenterhooks for the rest of the game wondering if it was still 1-0. No texts, no Internet, so getting nervous as they might get a late equaliser.

Next txt at 9.24pm said "6-1" - chuffin eck! My nerves were shot.

Sounds like Fantasy football was on view!

Well done to everyone.

Well deserved 3 points last night.
It’s up to the Dozzler to show he can score when he’s in the starting 11. He’s surely got to start on Saturday!
It was clear to see how the movement and pace of the Dozzler created more space and less running for Warlow. For over an hour yesterday, Warlow had to do the running for 2 players, that’s never good when you’re trying to find some goals!! Without being negative, think we’ve given Crowe a few chances, and it’s time for him to move on

Couldn’t agree more, this lad does not look like he is even interested. The way he pulled up for a non-existent off-side smacks of someone who either doesn’t care for the cause, or is woefully unfit.

I thought the strike partnership looked much better once Crowe was removed and Profitt came on. Warlow despite not notching a goal, was getting in to all the right positions, but I reckon that if he were to fall into a bag of tits he would come up sucking his thumb…such is his luck in front of goal at the moment, but it will come good.

Great performance. Especially second half.

Great headed goal by Pritch, very good debut by Macpherson, Fantastic goal by Lloyd, and the Dozzler making an excellent impact from the bench. All in a ll a decent night’s work!

Yes at 2 - 1 i was expecting Prescott to equalise, but as soon as Proffit came on there was only 1 winner - due to the way his pace and movement changed the game.

I have to agree with what has been said about Crowe. I expected alot more of him to be honest, and he just hasn’t delivered. I think with Thornley, Craven, and Macpherson arriving then we need to trim the squad. Crowe just hasn’t done what you’d expect of someone with football league experience - and a decent goal return at that level. Yes his touch is good, but his movement is often non-existent, and he doesn’t seem willing to work for the team - something which Adam is doing alot of, and possibly to his own dis-advantage.

It’s not worth focussing on negatives though after a 6 - 1 win, so lets get behind whichever side Jim puts out on Saturday and hopefully get another 3 points.

Cables fan here :'(, i’m still in shock, but would like to say, you’re the best side we have faced this season, not sure how we conceded 6 goals though, we just collapsed. Good luck to you all at Witton Albion, most of us said last night, we hope you win the league, or runners up behind us if we put a run together. :smiley:

Cheers Kenny. In the first half after we scored you were the better side for a good twenty minutes or so, I thought you were unlucky not to equalise at that stage. In fairness to you did not give it up and were one of the better teams to come to Wincham Park this season.

The fact that you scored only the fourth league goal against us this season (and then from the penalty spot) tells part of the story. Also what you saw in the second half is how we can turn it on coming forward. Rob Lloyd was driving everything through midfield. When we play like this we have in the past scored 5, 6, 7 in a game.

I think you were unfortunate to concede 6 and the result on paper does not tell the whole story.

Good luck for the rest of the season.

I would concur with some of the comments about Dean Crowe’s work ethic, but I would have said the same last season about Dorrell Proffitt, and this time round he has been a revelation. If Crowe can ally his obvious ability with a more team focused approach he can still do a good job for us, but at the moment I would definitely start with Proffitt.

Anyway, these are Jim’s decisions to make, and he’s doing one hell of a job so far!

I think it a little unfair to criticise Dean Crowe over the ‘offside’, as I think he was in an offside position, and the only reason the linesman didn’t flag was that he did not carry on running for the ball, and was therefore not interfering.

I would just like to say that I was equally impressed with Dave McPherson’s debut. He looks like a player who will run all game long, he looks like an intelligent player, and what was noticeable last night is that he is a player that plays the game with a smile on his face.

Whilst a smile can sometimes be deemed inappropriate, last night he had good reason to smile.