Witton vs Prescot

Sadly Greenie your post may indeed be the truth.

I do think however if he has been carrying achilles tendonitis and a cracked rib for 5 or 6 weeks then we are judging a player not 100% fit. I share concerns as you know that we have seen him as fit as he is going to get but I am prepared to give him the chance to prove me wrong.

I did have to chuckle, you having a go at him being a gobs***e, I am wondering why it made me laugh! ;D

hahaha! ;D well i may have a gob on me but at least i back it up with hard work and a little bit of ability…

Can’t argue with the last bit :wink:

I witnessed your 25 yard slide rule pass on Sunday afternoon that would have graced any league in this country.

I’m glad it was appreciated.